很感謝你們。現在是發放國際輿論的時候。我知道大家都慣了用「攬炒」、「if we burn , you burn with us」來理解現在的行動,但要加大國際社會對中國制裁的決心,就必須要從國際社會的利益角度出發,同時展現香港人立於世界的角色和氣度,才能真正感染外國,給予實質支援。
各位民主自由世界的朋友,你們都應該從新聞知道香港的自由法治正受到中國政府嚴重破壞,中國承諾 50 年不變的一國兩制不過限期一半(23 年)就正式宣告破產。事實證明,習近平政府是一個毫無誠信而且野心勃勃的政權。控制香港只是它第一步棋,藉著這個跳板,輸出中國模式,加強控制國際社會才是它的真正目標。
「中國威脅」已經日月可昭。香港人不甘成為奴隸,因為我們和所有自由民主國家的公民一樣,相信自由民主的價值。自由世界應該 connect 起來,和香港自由公民一起打這一場硬仗,守住香港的核心價值,亦即守住自由世界的核心價值。
To our friends of the free world,
You should have known from news that freedom and the rule of law of Hong Kong is being severely marred by the Chinese government. The ‘One Country, Two System’, which China pledged to remain unchanged for 50 years, is now declared bankrupt in less than half of the time(23years). The fact speaks for itself. Xi Jinping’s government is a dishonest and ambitious regime. Controlling HK is but its first stepping stone, with it they will export the China Model. Strengthening its grip on international society is its ultimate goal.
At the outbreak of COVID-19, the Xi government intentionally covered up information on the plaque, which in turn put citizens of globe under direct threat of the pandemic, plunged national economies into recession. Not only did Xi Jinping shrugged off responsibility of covering up, he grabbed the opportunity to conduct ‘diplomacy of generosity’, making use of his economic advantages to bride other countries. His goal is not to take up responsibility as a great nation, but to deepening other nations’ economic dependency on China, in order to control local government and citizens.
Numerous experts in politics have warned many times, while other countries are troubled by the pandemic, China start ‘War Wolf Diplomacy’, expanding its military and economic power, making itself a hegemony of the world. We believe more and more countries have observed China’s imperialist intent. So-called ‘peaceful rise’ is purely a lie. It is only for superficial friendship and interests, there have not yet been sanctions against China. However, once Hong Kong has fallen, China will be more arrogant, and its ambition closer to achieve. The free world will be under unprecedented threat.
As an international centre, HK is the prime place for RMB financing. The import and export of Chinese capitals, companies going public, largely rely on HK. Once China put the centre under arbitrary and rude control, its ambition - exporting ideology and controlling other economies through ‘economic violence’ - will be readily realized.
To stop Xi’s next step, we urge other countries to make cautious prevention. HK is the first fortress standing on the frontier of the world that values freedom and democracy. HK people aspire to freedom and democracy. We has fought for 23 years. China government, not only has it never honoured its promise to realize democracy in HK, it now is going to take away the remaining freedom and just laws with force, with brutal violence towards HK citizens and kids.
The threat from China is blatantly obvious. HK people are not ready to be slaves, because we believe in the values of freedom and democracy, like all citizens of the free world. The free world should connect and fight alongside HK people. To defend the value of HK is to defend the value of the free world.
Today, facing brutal violence of the authoritarian state, in front of bullets, HK people still go to streets to show our will. Our courage stems from our firm belief in freedom and democracy. HK people need help from the free world. We will not surrender, because, like you, we believe in the ultimate triumph of freedom and democracy