tl;dr,如果想无需 KYC 转换 LikeCoin 至 BTC 的话,目前唯一的方案(Liquid)需要于七月十五日前将 LikeCoin 转入 Liquid 进行交易。

WXMark 所言,LikeCoin 目前在 Liquid、BitAsset 及 MyETHShop 可以交易,其中后二者需要 KYC(Know Your Customer,身份验证),而 Liquid 对于仅数字货币的交易则暂时不需要 KYC。

然而今天我收到了来自 Liquid 的邮件,表示 Liquid 对数字货币资产的存入/提取也将需要 KYC。

Liquie will be discontinuing support for accounts with incomplete KYC verification.


We see that you have been actively using your Liquid Account but have incomplete KYC information on file. Due to changes in regulations, Liquid is in the process of applying for a license under Payment Services Act in Singapore and will be discontinuing support for accounts with incomplete KYC verification in the near future as follows:

15th July 2020 - Unverified users will no longer be able to deposit funds.
28th July 2020 - Unverified users will no longer be able to trade on the Liquid exchange or withdraw fiat.
8th October 2020 - Unverified users will lose access to remaining services, including crypto withdrawals.

As a highly valued long-standing Liquid user, we encourage you to submit a complete set of KYC documentation to be fully verified by 14th July 2020 to avoid any interruptions and ensure the continuity of our services to you.


  • 七月十五日起无法存入虚拟货币
  • 七月廿八日起无法交易
  • 十月八日起无法取出虚拟货币

注意:提取至 BTC 需要至少 0.001 BTC。

考虑到 LikeCoin 的 unbounding 期长达 21 天,已经 delegate 的 LikeCoin 似乎无法这么做了。尚未 delegate 的 LikeCoin 则可以通过这样的方案转换至更广泛使用的货币(例如 BTC)。