
Google search Amazon,類似既新聞多的是。



試想像20年前既你可以保持冷靜,跌到6蚊都唔放Amazon嗎? 理性計下,由6美元升回85美元打和,需要升超過1300%!

到2008年金融海嘯,Amazon由90美元 (等左近10年先break even) 跌至42美元。你真係有耐性再等多十年?

Amazon股價, 1998 - 2020


Amazon 之外,Netflix, Disney, Nike, Starbucks等都經歷股價大跌超過50%。

巴菲特光芒太亮,一向比較少人提到股神既拍擋 Charlie Munger。

2002年,Berkshire Hathaway股價累計跌約20%,BBC訪問Munger,問佢有幾擔心公司既前景。Munger答:

"Zero! This is the third time that Warren and I have seen our holdings in Berkshire go down, top-tick to bottom-tick, by 50%. I think it’s in the nature of long-term shareholding, with the normal vicissitudes and worldly outcomes of markets, that the long-term shareholder has the quoted value of his holdings go down, by say 50%. In fact, you could argue that if you’re not willing to react with equanimity to a market price decline of 50%, two or three times a century, you’re not fit to be a common shareholder and you deserve the mediocre result you are going to get."   

投資回報,人人都想要。Peter Lynch話如果每十次你中六次,你已經非常成功。

