
Michael Gold (2018) Making space: Surviving sprawl, July 05, 2018 ,The Economists https://eiuperspectives.com/infrastructure-cities/making-space-0/article/making-space-surviving-sprawl?utm_source=Paid+Social&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=Pure_PaidSocial&utm_content=FB2_Article1

首先,香港是五大城市中最高城市人口密度的地方,其密度是北京的五倍!(圖1) 香港市民的精神壓力自然是大到爆炸!然而,作者發現密度較低的城市,市民反而有更高的精神壓力,到底有甚麼因素影響市民的精sadas神壓力?

調查發現,人口密度較低的北京和上海的市民反而感到空間較不足,精神壓力較大。有趣是,作者的看法與香港政府剛好相反,當香港政府認為市民感到空間不足是因為已發展的土地面積太少 (大約只有24%),但作者研究認為原因是城市發展過度擴張 (urban sprawl),其中上海的已發展土地面積差不多是香港的14倍,北京的也大約是香港的4倍!


"Global studies have shown links between urban sprawl and detrimental effects ranging from loss of natural habitats to greater wealth disparity. The increased hassle from long commutes may be a particularly damaging effect of sprawl, as the findings from Beijing, the most sprawling city in our sample, demonstrate." 

關於作者的「市區過度擴張導致精神抑鬱」的結論並非個人推測,而是根據學術研究,其中包括(1)香港理大學者的研究,及(2) 歐洲學者的研究

(1) Juan Chen, Shuo Chen, Pierre F Landry and Deborah S Davis, “How Dynamics of Urbanization Affect Physical and Mental Health in Urban China”, The China Quarterly, volume 220, December 2014, pp988-1011

(2) Giulia Melis, Elena Gelormino, Giulia Marra, Elisa Ferracin and Giuseppe Costa, “The Effects of the Urban Built Environment on Mental Health: A Cohort Study in a Large Northern Italian City”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 12, issue 11, 2015, pp14898-14915, http:// www.mdpi.com/1660- 4601/12/11/14898/htm
