2019年5月22日立法會討論東大嶼人工島填海工程的規劃及工程研究撥款5.5億元申請,官員回覆朱凱迪議員有關如何確保砂的供應不會影響別國的環境,官員及主席稱綠色採購確保別國符合環評,但事實上,菲律賓政府4月時禁止一艘中國船員的採砂船在菲律賓Batangas - Lobo進行採砂供應香港機場三跑工程,原因正正是未能獲得合法的環評證書,事件反映香港政府未能確保採購海砂的環評監察,更加顯示海砂供應出現斷流,應該重新考慮採用其他更可行的土地供應方法。
根據機管局向立法會匯報有關機場第三跑道的填海進度文件中提到,『承建商已確定目前掌握的砂源,能供應足夠 填料予三跑道系統項目的填海工程。主要承建商一直以來以從内地進口的機制砂為主,輔以本地公眾填料,以及從其它不同地區包括馬來西亞及菲律賓進口的填料。』(立法會,2019) 但文件並未提及菲律賓政府禁止船隻為機三跑採砂事件,懷疑機管局欺騙立法會議員,機三跑的填海工程砂料供應是否足夠,令人懷疑。
圖2 在菲律賓LOBO河被拒採砂船隻。來源:ABS-CBN (2019a)
“The contract [Seagate] signed in 2008 was superseded by the 2012 contract. They did nothing so we continued with the new contract, which was signed by the previous mayor and by FS Suntan.” (ABS-CBN, 2019b)
“Manalo said. The local government approved a memorandum of agreement with the ship, but that does not mean that their operations are already approved, the mayor said.“
“The Department of Environment and Natural Resources earlier said it suspended the vessel's dredging operations for failing to secure clearance from the Mines and Geosciences Bureau.”(ABS-CBN, 2019c)
“One document dated Feb. 28, 2019, seen by the Inquirer was a purchase order made by a company called Synergy Plus Holdings Ltd. to Seagate for the purchase of 2 million cubic meters of Lobo River sand for $2 per metric ton “at source” to be used for the Hong Kong International Airport Three Runway System Project.”(Inquirer, Apr 3, 2019a)
“Antiporda said Seagate’s ECC was suspended because it failed to comply with the other requirements for almost a year now. These include permits for mineral ore export, operation and transport. Antiporda said the mineral ore export permit was denied in February 2019, while the company had not yet applied for the two others.”(Inquirer, 2019b)
#菲律賓 #開採海砂 #環評批文 #破壞環境
立法會 (2019) 機三跑填海。CB(4)775/18-19(06)
ABS-CBN (2019a) Apr 3. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/04/03/19/chinese-ships-batangas-dredging-suspended-denr
ABS-CBN (2019b) Apr 4. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/04/04/19/lobo-mayor-says-dredging-vessel-had-no-local-permit-contract-outdated
ABS-CBN (2019c) Apr 5. https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/04/05/19/sierra-leone-dredging-vessel-wanted-to-quarry-minerals-denr-official, https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/04/05/19/dredging-ship-docked-in-lobo-town-sails-to-batangas-port
Inquirer (2019a) Apr 3. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1102474/chinese-manned-dredging-ship-alarms-batangas-coastal-town#ixzz5op0jbkLR
Inquirer (2019b) https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1102965/denr-holds-dredging-by-ship-with-chinese-crew