16. 豫 001000 雷地-震坤 (Quarter 1-14)
利建侯行師。-- 爲何象群奔騰動地,好像整隊行進的人群?牠們在尋找水源地,牠們在舞蹈、等待天空降雨。此時,為什麼我們不也建造一座大型的舞台來跳舞和祈雨呢?或是建造一艘飛箭般的空間移動載具,以便尋找另一處水源充足的新棲息地。..........................Why do elephants move fast unusually and shake lands seem like a large group of walking crowd?.......They are seeking fresh water on earth, they are dancing and waiting for the falling rain.............At this moment, why don't we construct a large stage above the ground for dancing and waiting, too?...........Or make an arrow like massive flying object or space gear to seek a new base land full with water...........
初六:鳴豫凶。/ 變卦震為雷 -- 飛鳥大聲的鳴叫、象群不安的徘徊,接著就聽到雷鳴的聲音。或許,天空就要降下暴雨、低窪地就要被大量的雨水填滿。這就是為什麼我們要在降雨前趕快在地上建造一座穩固高台的原因,一方面用來跳舞祈雨,一方面可以躲避水災。.................................Birds sound loudly......They are flying through the sky......Elephants are disquiet with moving forward and backward.......Then you hear thunders.........Maybe the big rain will fall down from the sky, and concave land will be fully filled with fresh water..........That's why we should construct or stack a stable stage or stadium with steps beyond the ground before dancing and waiting for the big falling rain with flood damage...........