元亨,利貞,無咎。-- 湖澤水底的震動會經由水的傳遞而顯現在水面上,這就是所謂的「隨」。作為一位追隨者,你的意識可能常常會保持高度專注、銳利偵測,不願錯失任何想要追索的訊息。...................The trembling vibration released from deep lake will be transmitted through the water to its surface and makes waves. This is so called relation and following..................As a follower, your consciousness might always keep very highly concentrating and don't like to miss any message which you are chasing for!...........

初九:官有渝,貞吉:出門交有功。/ 變卦澤地萃 -- 群眾聚集擁擠在廳院會館、空間顯得不堪負荷,如同池塘或湖澤的水位即將滿溢。經過偵測的結果是:這是出門和其它地方達成遠距離連繫的時候了。............A crowd gathers in compulsive camper and the space is overload, seems like a pond or lake fully filled with water and going to download........After detecting, the conclusion is: It's time to exit from the door, try efforts to contact with the other place and get connected across long distance........