美国虽然慢,但是盯上了,就不会轻易放过deep state!建议拜登支持者了解下 FISA 法案。该来的总会来的。大陪审团 教父拜登家族是会面对的!😜

突发新闻: Breaking: Feds Obtained FISA Warrant Against Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Associate, Documents Show.

A federal court authorized a foreign surveillance warrant against one of Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partners, court documents show.

The existence of a FISA warrant against the Biden associate, Patrick Ho, indicates that federal investigators believed Ho was working covertly as an agent of a foreign government.

Ho was an executive at CEFC China Energy, a firm that paid Hunter Biden at least $5 million as part of an investment deal.

Biden would later represent Ho during his criminal case.