因為長期以來大紀元都是邊緣性媒體,多年來對它的印象就是「努力地在共產黨壓制下掙扎」,轉它的人十有八九是反共,然而轉過頭來,大紀元竟然和 alt-right 合流,頗有點「一日不見,如隔三秋」的感覺。
看到這個 youtube 一個 comment
this documentary is full of lies...NEWSMAX TV, OANN, EPOCH TIMES, NTD NEWS have the truth...
報右翼媒體名字 Newsmax,One America News。然後後面跟著的是大紀元 (Epoch Times) 和 新唐人(NTD)?
在 Wall Street Journal 一個 comment
The BL?
The Hill 找到一篇關於 facebook 和 twitter 封大紀元號的文章。
Facebook, Twitter remove accounts tied to inauthentic pro-Trump network
The Hill 這篇說大紀元在越南用水軍在社交媒體活動。
The hundreds of accounts were operated by individuals in Vietnam and the U.S., many of whom used artificial intelligence to generate profiles to infiltrate groups and dodge Facebook enforcement.
The individuals then pretended to be Americans and posted anti-impeachment and pro-Trump messages, often linking back to The BL's website.
提到 The BL,全稱是 The Beauty of Life,The BL 曾經在 Facebook 過一百萬的粉絲,據說日常散佈右翼陰謀論。
而關於 The BL,Snopes 上有一篇針對它的調查。
How Snopes’ Investigation into ‘The BL’ Came Together
這篇文章是 2020 年 1 月發的。副標題是
Snopes invites readers to peek behind the scenes and learn how our Dive Team unmasked a massive misinformation network operating on Facebook.
看副標題就知道 Snopes 來者不善。其中有一段說 The BL 地址是紐約,但管理者很多在越南。
The page, with over a million followers, claimed to be run from a residential home in rural New York State, but the page itself listed a significant number of administrators from abroad, most notably Vietnam.
然後 Snopes 的記者認為 The BL 和大紀元有關.......
By midnight that night, Liles, Senior Reporter Alex Kasprak, and Snopes General Manager Vinny Green had determined that the outlet was staffed by several former employees of The Epoch Times — a newspaper created and run by adherents to a spiritual practice and anti-communist political movement known as Falun Gong. We learned that some of its network infrastructure was owned by and registered to a company named Epoch Times Vietnam. We determined that the New York address had a long association with other Falun Gong media properties, including Sound of Hope Radio. We noted as well what appeared to be the use of fake profiles and deceptive Facebook groups to promote The BL’s content.
和 Breitbart 並提的大紀元?
大紀元同樣引來了紐約時報的關注 (說起來我現在都不太敢引 NYT 的文了,令人傷心)。
How The Epoch Times Created a Giant Influence Machine
文章將 Breitbart 和大紀元一起提。
我的第一反應是..........哈?大紀元竟然可以和 Breitbart 一起提?大紀元真的成長到這個地步了嗎?
然後我去 youtube 查查大紀元和 Breitbart 的 follower 數。
Breitbart 30 萬。
大紀元也是 30 萬!
目前 alt-right 新寵 Newsmax 也就 130 萬。
而 Trump 也在 twitter 上分享過大紀元的文章。
大紀元還真的能和 Breitbart 相提並論,在 YouTube 上的 follower 數竟然都是 30 萬。
而最近非常高調戰鬥在前線的川普私人律師 Sidney Powell, 好像也接受了大紀元的訪問。
然後在香港問題上一直撐香港的 Solomon Yue 轉發,還貼心的附上了大紀元 app 的下載連接 「Download our app to read more for free at https://ept.ms/DownloadApp 」。
Yue 你有必要把 app 連接也附上嗎?
影響力不小的 Larry Elder 上大紀元,Larry Elder 是非裔美國人。
Victor Davis Hanson,這是學者...
One America News (OAN) 的主持 Christina Bobb