美國需要軍事戒嚴 #WWG1WGA
Michael Flynn & Thomas Mclnerney
Michael Flynn,前美國陸軍中將 (三星),前川普國安顧安,最近被 Trump 總統特赦,特赦了他在 Report Mueller 通俄門調查中向 FBI 說謊。
這位前將軍一直以來就是 Trump 總統的親密戰友,從 2016 年就戰鬥到現在。
他的 twitter 背景有一幅「We The People (我們人民)」的圖。
原來以為 Michael Flynn 被特赦後,會保持低調一段時間,但他沒有,他很快就和另一位前空軍中將 Thomas McInerney 一起接受 Brannon Howse 訪問。
Full transcript of bombshell interview: Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Thomas McInerney with Brannon Howse – Identity of KRAKEN revealed
其中有一段指,美軍特種部隊,在德國和 CIA 分部血戰,並成功拿到了 Dominion 選舉數據的服務器。
Brannon Howse: But you are saying that was a CIA facility, and that was where the server was taken from by these special forces, was a CIA facility in Germany.
General Mclnerney: That’s correct. Frankfurt, Germany. We have all this information, General Flynn of course, people most realized, was the senior military intelligence officer in the US commands as a defense intelligence agency. He’s a career intelligence officer, knows this stuff, backwards and forwards. .........
這個「情報」已經在社交媒體上甚為流傳,基本 MAGA 支持者都在轉,轉者眾多,數不過來。
這種核彈級爆料,就要有核彈級的證據,那查查 Military Times 那邊的「跟進」。
Military Times - This retired three-star falsely claims US soldiers died attacking a CIA facility in Germany tied to election fraud
這個「核彈級爆料」在 11 月中路透社也「跟進」過。
Reuter - False reports claim election servers were seized in Germany
我就當 Military Times 和 Reuter 都是「深層政府 (deep state)」「主流媒體」「假新聞」。
然而這麼轟動的事,軍方支持共和黨的將領好像就 Michael Flynn 和 Thomas Mclnerney 兩人跑出來「大爆料」,問題這兩人還是退休良久那種。
等一下,退休良久還能掌握到軍事行動的機密嗎?我就當他們能拿到,或者 One America News / Newsmax / 大紀元有線人向這兩位退休將軍提供了情報。
奧巴馬不是美國人 / 披薩門 / etc.
而查查兩位前將軍的輿論史,很容易就查到 Thomas Mclnerney 當年和 Donald Trump 大總統一起搞「奧巴馬不是美國人 (Birther Movement)」的運動。
The Daily Beast - Trump Introduced by Birther Vet at His Anti-Birther Event
Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney was one of the military veterans who spoke at Trump’s DC hotel on Friday. As flagged by Talking Points Memo, McInerney wrote an affidavit in 2010 challenging President Obama’s authority, due to “widespread and legitimate concerns” regarding his origin of birth.
Thomas Mclnerney 這位前中將還有其他爭議性言論,
Militarist Monitor - Thomas McInerney
McInerney has also peddled the bizarre and thinly sourced theory, popularized by Frank Gaffney and other Islamophobic conspiracy theorists, that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the U.S. government in an effort to impose sharia law on the United States
而且還對阿利桑那州 (AZ) 的前參議員 John McCain (過世) 作過更「爭議性」的言論。
Fox News cuts ties with retired general who called POW John McCain 'Songbird John'
也因為這個出位言論,Fox News 不讓 Thomas Mclnerney 出鏡了,那是 2018 年。
若果 Donald Trump 大統領周圍都是這些對 John McCain 有出位言論人,Arizona 在 2020 年變紫其實也應該是意料之中。
Thomas Mclnerney 過往的「言論史」如此的精彩,Michael Flynn 也差不多,在 2016 年大選就 retweet Hillary Clinton 的團隊涉及兒童性侵。
而 Michael Flynn 的兒子 Michael Flynn Jr. 則認為 #pizzagate 是真的。
有些 MAGA 支持者說美國將軍說的話,有高度可信性。
百度百科 - 毛主席语录 (毛泽东主席的名言警句)
後來林彪這位「毛主席的親密戰友」機毀人亡,現在 Donald Trump 的「親密戰友」前腳被特赦,後腳就參和「MAGA 文化自信建設」。
這兩位前將軍「核彈級爆料」,也不知道前同事敢不敢和他們相認,Michael Hayden 也是前將軍,而且還比 Michael Flynn 和 Thomas Mclnerney 多一顆星,要是「將軍 = 可信」,那到底要信哪一個?信不刺耳的那一個?信和 Trump 保持一致的那一個?
美國需要軍事戒嚴 #WWG1WGA
而在 Georgia 戰鬥在前線的 L. Lin Wood 大律師,最近轉了 Ohio 茶黨人發在 We The People 網站上的一篇文,那篇文呼叫 Donald Trump 大總統實行軍事戒嚴,重新選舉。
WTPC - WTPC Calls for Trump to Declare Limited Martial Law
重新選舉?Dominion 被人圍攻不是就說它的點票機器點票作弊,重覆計數之類嗎?那 Georgia 都人工點票結束了,都是人手一票一票點不是用機器點的,那還要怎樣?
Lin Wood 這位在 twitter 上帶著 QAnon 的 #WWG1WGA 被當成「極右」就算了。
現在連 Michael Flynn 這位剛被特赦不久的前將軍也來參和一腳,說支持 Trump 大統領實行戒嚴,重新選舉。
在這些民粹得失了智一樣的舉動中,香港一些本來就右得很的 KOL,也跟隨著「美國林彪」在加碼。
這些內鬥內行,包容性極低,一言不合就 diss 同路人的 HK alt-right,還標謗著自己「獨立思考」。這些 HK alt-right 視作美學標本的 MAGA 英雄都提出要戒嚴了,還在繼續 #WWG1WGA。
天天不忘 PK 左膠,包容性又低,自己都快把自己搞成信用破產。
真是世界太複雜,做 KOL 太容易。
大紀元之類的,還學著 Steve Bannon 搞社交媒體水軍,在搞 disinformation,真是緊跟時代。
Sidney Powell 和 Rudy Giuliani 的舉動都不知道多像幾年前的郭文貴,說自己手上有多少多少猛料,然後好幾年都過了,一堆預言說過好像都忘了。
GOP 裏面一部份人竟然墮落至此,都墮落到和郭文貴沒有分別。
那些 alt-right / MAGA 的人好像還覺得民主黨之類的左膠就想看著 GOP 掛掉,這到底是有多短視,GOP 本身就是美國民主機制的一部份,GOP 的死亡就代表著美國民主實驗的失敗。
然後一堆 alt-right / MAGA / WWG1WGA 在說這是「正義 / 邪惡」之戰,好像不把對方忘掉不成這樣,共和黨 / 民主黨在目前就是雙生的,一個掛了另一個也差不多到頭。
Politico - ‘The U.S. Is No Longer a More “Developed” Country Than Us’
South Koreans used to admire the U.S. as a model of success and progress. Now, with American Covid-19 deaths spiraling upward and Trump raging against the election result, their respect for American leadership is plummeting.
It’s a shocking development for a country that has, for decades, largely viewed the United States almost like an older sibling—a model of success and progress that Koreans were proud to emulate. Now, many Koreans see the U.S. as a failing country, deeply divided and unable to meet basic challenges. The shift began after President Donald Trump’s 2016 win, when many Koreans were shocked to see him claim the presidency after a string of scandals. But the clincher has been America’s bungled response to Covid-19, followed by Trump and the GOP’s recent efforts to contest the legitimate results of the 2020 U.S. election. For Koreans, the past year has exposed the deep problems within the American system, from hyperpartisanship and deep distrust in government to a poor health care system—issues that have long been familiar to Americans, but not to Koreans, many of whom have maintained the idea of American exceptionalism far longer and livelier than many Americans.