15. 謙 000100 地山-坤艮 (Quarter 1-13)
亨,君子有終。-- 高深奧秘的宇宙啊!君子走筆至此,正在接近一個段落,......似乎有點寫不下去了!......這可以說是接近一個終點的結束,也可以說是接近另一個起點的開始。..........................Climbing up to the top of the mountain above clouds, seems like landing on the big moon far away from earth.......So many stars are shining over there in the night sky, so high!...............This is an end point, and also a start point......About the long journey of inter-space exploration, this is only close to a quarter in the time-space of I.E,.......is almost nearing over a quarter...........
初六:謙謙君子,用涉大川。/ 變卦地火明夷 -- 身為所謂的君子,就如同探險家和記者,又像身兼翻譯工作的遊子和學子,通曉多種語言文字,翻山越嶺、渡過大河川,甚至易服又易容,混跡在陌生之地。......這纔逐漸發現,依稀有個隱藏在地底的神秘火光。.....................As an explorer and journalist, sometimes also a translator, I speak in many languages, pass through many mountain ridges, move across great rivers,.......even makeup my face and change different wearings on different lands,......then I gradually understand something hide under the ground............Is that some kind of energy resource?...........I see.....a powerful firelight under there.........