20. 觀 110000 風地-巽坤 (Quarter 2-3)
盥而不薦,有孚顒若。-- 風在地上運行,可能受到地形地物的影響而改變風向,局部的風向不見得就是整體的風向。當我們發現,將自己局部的觀察結果當作最後的結論只是個人主觀的感覺時,往往就會洗手作罷、不再根據私人的感覺來介入和推進整體事務的運作方向。因為,在這樣的狀況下,就算感官捕捉到再多浮現的訊息,好像只是一己偏執的意見而已。即使結果符合預期,似乎也像是個偶然啊!
初六:童觀,小人无咎,君子吝。/ 變卦風雷益 -- 光線經由眼睛瞳孔的調控,進入視網膜、連結視神經,然後在腦部的光資訊處理區域呈現影像,這就是視覺的形成。年少的人往往對觀察視覺訊號強烈的事物很有感覺,因為他們還在成長發育的過程中,這有甚麼好奇怪的呢?但是對於君子來説,單單依賴視覺影像來判斷事物就太狹隘了,有些事物會因為眼睛本身對光的調控而超出視覺接收觀察的範圍之外,例如看不見的風、看不到的微小物體、難以察覺的快速振動和移動等等。
六二:窺觀,利女貞。/ 變卦風水渙 -- 光線通過窺視的小孔,往往會呈現出更清楚的影像。對於那些經常足不出戶又謹慎細心的女子來説,如果想要看清楚遠處或朦朧的事物,利用窺視孔等望遠器具或顯微器具來觀察,倒是不錯的辦法呢!散漫的光線在通過小孔時會收攏聚集、呈現比較清晰的光影,但是一旦空氣中的濕度太高,或是隔水觀物時,光線還是會受濕氣、水流的折射或漫射而渙散,失去預期的觀察準確度。
六三:觀我生,進退。/ 變卦風山漸 -- 既然觀察物體是透過我們自己的視覺神經與腦部的光資訊處理區域來解讀、境由心生而顯示的影像,那麼我們本身的進退移動等等的變化,會不會影響到整個觀察的結果呢?當我們的感官介入了我們正在觀察的事物,會不會像狂風吹拂山林一樣,同時也擾動了原本想要觀察的對象呢?也許緩慢而逐漸接近的去觀察,不要像急驚風般一下子擾動了被觀察的對象,會是比較適當的觀察方式呢!
六四:觀國之光,利用賓於王。/ 變卦天地否 -- 既然觀察的終極問題是:不知道是被觀察對象自己在變化,還是觀察者引起被觀察對象的變化?那麼也就是説,實際上觀察者通常只能觀察一個比較靜態的、像個城國般比較封閉而範圍固定不變的被觀察對象,結果纔會比較客觀。而且呢!還不能直接的去內部觀察它,要盡可能用來自外部、不會引起干擾的間接方式去觀察它,甚至得把它視為處在一片很容易受到擾動的纖毫絲網之上的一隻噤聲不語又驚若寒顫的小生物呢!(P.S. 此處「國」解為「比較封閉而固定的範圍」;「賓」解為「來自外部而極少引起干擾的間接觀察方式 ;「王」解為「网」或「網」,似乎相當於 English 中的 web 或 weave 。)
九五:觀我生,君子无咎。/ 變卦山地剝 -- 既然觀察物體還是要透過我們自己的視覺神經及腦部的光資訊處理區域來解讀,所以就算怎麼抽絲剝繭的去觀察和分析,最後得到的真相還是來自於自我的大腦中、境由心生而顯示的影像,絕不是被觀察對象實實在在的真相啊!既然觀察一事本來就有如此的缺陷,那又怎麼忍心去苛責那些一生都在努力追求真相的君子們呢?
上六:觀其生,君子无咎。/ 變卦水地比 -- 既然觀察物體也須要被觀察的對象發生一定的訊息,纔能加以接收和解讀,那麼它發出的訊息是否也和不同的觀察者相互關連呢?也就是説,同一個被觀察的對象,也可能會比對每一個觀察者,然後向不同的觀察者發出不同的訊息,從而導致了不同的觀察結果呢!既然觀察一事有因人而異的可能,那麼君子們又何必對相異的觀察結果感到意外呢?
"Owl bird always opened its big round eyes and watched in the dark night, that's why 'ob' was placed in front of this English word - observe."
"That's not surprising me, because this Hanese word '觀' was just pictured as a standing and a watching owl bird in its ancient pictogram, and it had the meaning of 'observe'."
"Actually, we can't observe everything by our naked eyes, something are invisible, something are out of our visual abilities. Such like winds, micro objects, very fast trembling and moving, ......"
"That's why those ancient scientists invented some optical instruments to assist their observation. The light rays could be gathered through a little hole and clearly focused on the sighted point of eyes. At least they could watch something from very long distance or observe those micro-biota's activities......."
"But, do you think the object which you are observing will frankly show you its real face? It might be impacted by observer, even shows its different reactions to different observers......"
"Everyone might get a part of the truth from an object, but not whole of the truth, that’s just a subjective observation......Because no one can observe something without watching, and how much time can you spend for watching ?....... "
"Do you really like paying a lot of time to observe something?"
"Of course, that's why we have sensibilities, but actually I more like what you talk,.......your words......."
"I just try to translate the original author's words in 易經, I know I can't do it perfectly......Those ancient words were translated again and again by many writers during thousands years."
"What's the perfect truth? Do you really run for it?.......Sometimes the truth just exists between suited minds and companions. You can't ignore who you like and what you expect, these might be the truth......"
"That's the sincerely truthful knowledge growing with friendly consciousnesses, though they are innocent at first or temporally misunderstand about many things, they frankly and open-mind to talk with each others."
"Something couldn't be made sure from someone, so they started to find more ‘or’, more ‘tho’, more ‘also’, and try to reach perfect thought about truth........"
"Old owl birds knew! Unidentified flying objects couldn't be observed perfectly without concerning the other opinions of small owlets......"
"Arch was built by many stones, it's not mono, then the keystone was set further.......The final conclusion just like a key answer, to built a grand grand arch might never have the opportunity to set a keystone on its top......"
"What you say reminds me think about the path of skylight,......the patio of the Pantheon, that might be the entrance of spirits or angels, they might tell us more real facts for building the more perfect truth......"
"Knowledge is knowledge, but how to transfer the knowledge of useful things?......That's about suitable thoughts, it might be some kind of sustainable way......"
"I know, the best way is ‘my way’.......Everyone hoped to live by their own way, but most of the time they just surrounded an obvious object and tried to get the temporal satisfaction......Actually, sometimes they might feel sad, because of losing what they really need, because of what they got was not really suited for themselves......."
"That's why the next qua 噬嗑 was going to talk about the suit, about the suitable consciousnesses or just-matched designing......"
"Is that the grand design? Or God's creation?......"
"I think many ancient people had ever tried to find a meaningful and suitable way of living forever, that's why there were many philosophies and predictive scripts, even some kind of astrology were interpreted and arranged......"
"Why calendar was created? Why map was graphed? Why the plan and schedule were made? Why the designing were developed?.......The observations were gradually transferred to many suitable ways for each individual life!......"
"That's the grand world of life, everyone might get the suitable space to live in a harmonious universe........"
"Is that another reason why ‘觀’ sounded like 'grand'.......In a grand designing world, we have better to open our owl-eyes to search what's really suitable and just matched with us........."
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.