Richard Steigmann-Gall评Paxton教授来信:特雷弗-罗珀效应
Richard Steigmann-Gall
Richard Steigmann-Gall is Associate Professor of History at Kent State University, and served from 2004 to 2010 as Director of the Jewish Studies Program. He received his BA in 1989 and MA in 1992 from the University of Michigan, and his PhD in 1999 from the University of Toronto. His academic interests concern the cultural and religious dimensions of German National Socialism, specifically the cohort of Nazis who believed in "positive Christianity" and the struggles they waged with Nazism's neo-pagans for religious dominance in the Third Reich. His articles have appeared in the journals German History, Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, Social History, Central European History, Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, and The Journal of Contemporary History. His book, The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945, came out in 2003 through Cambridge University Press, and has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Holy Reich has been reviewed broadly in the popular and academic press, has been the subject of interviews in The Boston Globe and with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and is the subject of a symposium of international scholars in the Journal of Contemporary History.
我要创造一个词:"特雷弗-罗珀效应"。你们中的一些人可能听说过这个人:一个英国历史学家,地位崇高,是牛津剑桥大学的巨擘,当他在几十年前抓住机会,宣布所谓的 "希特勒日记 "是真实的时候,他的地位大跌。当然,这些日记被证明是骗人的。为了在伤口上撒盐,臭名昭著的大屠杀否认者大卫-欧文宣布它们是假的。特雷弗 -罗珀从未从这一时刻恢复过来。而最有声望的大学的历史学家们又从中学到了什么呢?远离 "当代发展"。害怕玷污自己的名声,几十年来在精英私立大学里烧毁名声的顾虑,似乎超过了在公共动荡中发出清晰声音的任何考虑。
我想很清楚,这就是为什么那么多知名学者,直到现在,都坚决拒绝称特朗普为 "法西斯 "的原因。不是因为他们没有看到--它一直都在那里,有目共睹。而是因为他们不想在 "所有证据都还没出来 "之前,就 "过早 "地宣布特朗普是法西斯,从而危及他们几十年来精心积累的学术资本。但是,如果再进一步宣称他不是法西斯,就已经暴露出对公众利益的损害。一些甚至不是专家的人,通过他们的媒体关系,说他不是法西斯。以小心翼翼地维护自己的声誉为名,拒绝称他为什么是一回事。屡次在媒体采访中露面,坚持说特朗普不是法西斯是另一回事。Paxton 教授是一位伟大的学者,他的The Anatomy of Fascism仍然是我在教授相关课程时的核心教材。而至少现在他承认,以我们许多人多年来一直清楚的方式,特朗普主义是法西斯主义。他自己的模型明确了他是。