新奇文共賞 (640)
You Might Be Single Because You're Not Great At Flirting, Suggests New Study (IFL Science)
建議學校開設戀愛科,或至少是如何與異性相處班。 -
NYC Woman Finds Hole Behind Her Bathroom Mirror Leading to Strange Secret Apartment (NBC New York)
Prehistoric Plankton Became Predators to Survive a Mass Extinction (Scientific American)
由弱肉變成末世救主。 -
How museum gift shops decide what to sell (Vox)
但類似的手信開始有點粗製濫造。 -
Excel Never Dies (Not Boring)
資深 Excel 用家會感興趣的文章。 -
People are Using Dating Apps to Find Doctors, Drugs, and Protesters (Vice)
交友程式可以用來揾工甚至示威。 -
Heads up: Some sea slugs grow new bodies after decapitation (AP)
人類距離永生又邁進一大步。 -
There’s No Real Reason to Eat 3 Meals a Day (The Atlantic)