【緬甸政變】民眾人權日上街 軍方再實彈掃射 多人死亡 據報死者包括僧侶
緬甸反政變步入第 40 日,今日(13 日)是緬甸「8888 民主運動」死者的死忌,也被視為當地的人權日,各地民眾號召上街示威,但再遭警方開火鎮壓。根據《路透社》報導,目前至少 5 人死亡,包括一名 19 歲海事大學新生 Htet Myat Aung;當地媒體 Myanmar Now 指,一名受傷僧侶剛死亡,令死亡數字再增加。《路透社》東南亞編輯指,即使愈來愈多人因上街流血,示威仍然持續。
今天原是「8888 民主運動」死者 Phone Maw 的死忌,後被全民盟及民運人士提倡為緬甸人權日。根據《路透社》,當地示威者昨晚於仰光舉行紀念燭光晚會,同時有示威者集合於警局外要求釋放被捕人士,再遭警方開火鎮壓,兩人凌晨中槍死亡。
紀念示威行動持續至今天,《路透社》指,仰光、曼德勒及勃固至少有 5 人死亡,其中兩人於曼德勒靜坐行動中被槍殺,當場死亡,另外一人為 19 歲海事大學新生 Htet Myat Aung。網上傳出 Aung 生前及遺體的照片,包括其學校參與運動等照片,他今日於勃固腹部中槍不治。
從相片可見,多人受重傷入院,甚至手指斷開;Twitter 亦有照片顯示,有男生口部中槍爆開。
Dead body of Htet Myat Aung who was shot and killed during the protest against military coup in Pyay, Bago region on Saturday. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/SWSoQoq6jC
— soe zeya tun (@soezeya) March 13, 2021
We have lost a hero again🥀
— JISUNG's Noona 💚🐣🌱 (@Asteroid112000) March 13, 2021
Pyay Students’ Strike was brutally dispersed this morning & Htet Myat Aung, who is 1st yr Marine Mechanical student in MMU, got shot at stomach and passed away at 12:20 PM in Bago!@UN_HRC#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar13Coup pic.twitter.com/MYNjSWrwlF
《路透社》下午刊出照片顯示,一名僧侶受傷。當地媒體 Myanmar Now 一小時後更新指,該名僧侶已離世,目前曼德勒有 4 人死亡,至少 14 人受傷。
1/2 Four people have been confirmed dead in the aftermath of a violent crackdown by security forces on anti-coup protesters in Mandalay on Friday morning. The casualties included one woman & three men, among them a Buddhist monk. At least 15 were injured. pic.twitter.com/87GqwIIMBF
— Myanmar Now (@Myanmar_Now_Eng) March 13, 2021
A Buddhist monk was among those wounded by the Myanmar junta's forces today as they opened fire on protesters in Mandalay and elsewhere #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar pic.twitter.com/CwDhnBIWxW
— Matthew Tostevin (@TostevinM) March 13, 2021