新奇文共賞 (642)
The Stories Behind 15 Pasta Shapes (Mental Floss)
有一點我不明白:通心粉爲何是彎曲形狀?在未有近代機器時,是怎樣造出來的? -
Banker, princess, warlord: the many lives of Asma Assad (1843 Magazine)
假如撇開她沾血和貪婪的雙手,敘利亞獨裁者夫人的故事可算傳奇。 -
Good vibrations: bladeless turbines could bring wind power to your home (The Guardian)
這枝 3 米高的巨型震動棒可利用風力發電。
Bolivia’s little-known tribal kingdom (BBC)
南美最後一個與世隔絕的皇國。 -
Arctic walrus takes a nap on an iceberg, wakes up in Ireland (Live Science)
一覺醒來竟然由北極去到愛爾蘭。 -
How Starting Brush Fires Could Save Africa’s Disappearing Lions (Scientific American)
(適當地)放火可以減少碳排放。 -
How to Fix Your Messed-Up Sleeping Position (GQ)
睡姿的學問。 -
Watch a Billion Years of Shifting Tectonic Plates in 40 Mesmerising Seconds (Science Alert)