新奇文共賞 (643)

Why home-produced Covid vaccine hasn't helped India, Russia and China rollouts (The Guardian)
不明白文章爲何沒有提中國人民也未必信任政府。 -
Casu marzu: The world's 'most dangerous' cheese (CNN)
Step into my (home) office (Rest of World)
全球不同地區在家工作的情況。 -
Why growing mushrooms at home is everyone's new pandemic hobby (The Guardian)
種菇竟然是封城下新出現的嗜好。 -
The Doctor Who Tied A Nurse To A Surgical Table, Fought Another Doctor, Then Won A Nobel Prize (IFL Science)
早年的諾貝爾獎,得來真的不易。 -
At This Japanese Firm, You Get Paid Leave If Your Idol Retires (Vice)
日本人對偶像的崇拜真認真。 -
Size Matters: The True Scale of the World's Tallest Buildings (The B1M)
高而不大,虛榮作祟也。 -
These Are the Biggest Drinking Trends That Will Emerge After the Pandemic (Inside Hook)