大豆吃大麦 研讨会:毛时代中国的物质文化

大豆吃大麦 2021-01-19 23:31:03

Panel 1: Fabrication


1. Bamboo: Working with an (Extra)ordinary Material (Jennifer Altehenger, King's College London)

2. Really Cool, Really Beautiful: The "Dacron Mania" in China from the 1960s-1980s(孙沛东, 复旦)


Panel 2: Building


1. The Brick(Cole Roskam, Hong Kong University)

2. Maoist Man and its Discontents in the Third Front Town of Panzhihua( Covell Meyskens, Naval Postgraduate School)

Panel 3: Production and Consumption

1. Nationalizing the Food Industry in Beijing, 1949-1956(Madeleine Yue Dong, University of Washington)

2. Beyond the Maoist Commodity: Material Life in Rural China, 1950-1980(Jakob Eyferth, University of Chicago)



3. Three Big Reproducers of "Bourgeois" Consumerism in the Mao Era(Karl Gerth, University of California, San Diego)

Panel 4: Circulation and Utility

1. Dialectics of Waste: Mobilizing the Masses for Waste Recovery and Recycling in Socialist China, 1952-1972 (Weilin Pan, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

-【可以看潘玮琳 博士论文 锡箔的社会文化史:以民国江浙地区为中心】

2. Cross-Border Objects: Goods, Packages, and Material Culture as Politics(Denise Ho, Yale University)

Panel 5: Invention and Reinvention

Too Much of a Good Thing? Productivist Plenty and the Remaking of the Commodity Fetish(Laurence Coderre, New York University)

通过对 后毛泽东时代的物质生产来讨论“共产主义”狂热的产生。


Panel 6: Performance and the Body

1. The Dancer's Body as a Form of Socialist Materiality(Emily Wilcox, The University of Michigan)

2. Cinema at the Grassroots: Film Exhibition and Reception in Mao's China(Jie Li, Harvard University)

