新奇文共賞 (651)
Experience: I’ve had the same supper for 10 years (The Guardian)
1 個月吃同一東西你都悶,此人竟然 10 年如是。 -
How this New York island became a mass grave (Vox)
疫情再令人關心這個紐約「無名墓」島。 -
This Logic Problem About Marital Status Might Break Your Brain (Digg)
我第一個反應是答案很簡單,沾沾自喜之時,開始懷疑我是中了標題黨計。 -
The 'good luck' snack that makes Taiwan's technology behave (BBC)
台灣都市傳說:只要在機房擺一包「乖乖」,就能讓電腦聽話運作,連 BBC 都報道這種習俗禁忌。
VERSA launches "world-first" navigationless, voice activated website (Marketing Interactive)
用聲音導航瀏覽網頁。 -
They met at an airport and fell in love (CNN)
電影情節的戀愛故事。 -
A Ship Got Stuck. So He Built A Website. (Charlie Warzel)
一舉成名的網站。 -
Why are airplanes slower than they used to be? - Alex Gendler (Ted Ed)