新奇文共賞 (652)
They Hacked McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines - and Started a Cold War (Wired)
老麥是典型的店大欺客,雪糕機不但經常壞,維修費又貴,還禁止加盟店自己修理。 -
Why the Worst N.B.A. Player Is (Probably) Still Better Than You (The New York Times)
我想起以前那些向李健和或區偉倫柴台的球迷,似乎真以爲自己會比他們踢得好。 -
Amazon is opening a hair salon. Seriously. (The Washington Post)
Salon 都走高科技路線?得唔得呀?
Oldest American, Hester Ford, dies, leaving 120 great-great-grandchildren (Live Science)
真的是兒孫滿堂。 -
There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing (The New York Times)
無心機的學術解釋。 -
Why chilli peppers are a secret weight loss superfood needed in every healthy diet (Fit & Well)
想減肥?食椒啦。 -
The Washington DC sauce drenched in debate (BBC)
起源備受爭議的醬汁。 -
Did 4% of Americans Really Drink Bleach Last Year? (Harvard Business Review)