新奇文共賞 (654)
The man who stole a hotel (Capital Daily)
【帶眼識人】估不到依然有這類騙案故事,苦主更是加拿大知名酒店東主。 -
The Slander Industry (The New York Times)
之前有文章介紹以身試毒的醫藥研究員,這個記者算是網上版。 -
The Plot to Kill the Olympics (Outside)
The Man Who Got Hit By Lightning On 7 Separate Occasions And Lived (IFL Science)
比雷劈 7 次不死的人。 -
No, Biden has not declared war on meat. But maybe that’s what the world needs (The Guardian)
為打擊對家,無所不用其極。 -
Italian hermit on island alone is leaving after 32 years (CNN)
獨居島上 32 年,為的是保護生態。 -
Russian man 'trapped' on Chinese reality TV show finally voted out after three months (The Guardian)
誤墮大陸星網的俄國少年。 -
U.K. woman bruises banana peels to make stunning art (CBC)
漂亮的香蕉皮畫! -
Why Am I Sp Bad At Typign? (BuzzFeed)