新奇文共賞 (655)
Why 99% of ocean plastic pollution is “missing” (Vox)
難以理解為何膠籃幾近完整地留在海中數十年。 -
Longest Water Slide! - Guinness World Records (Guinness World Records)
全球最長水滑梯,有 1,111 米長,到底要滑多久?答案: 4 分鐘。 -
The Crazy Way $30M Was Stolen From Safe Deposit Boxes (The Daily Beast)
用醫學内窺鏡破解保險箱的大盜。 -
Is running really bad for your knees? (CNet)
Why Italian Apple Farmers Are Coating Their Orchards in Ice (Atlas Obscura)
這種冰鎮方法保護收成相當特別。 -
Haunting Photos Reveal a Massive Abandoned Town of Disneyesque Castles (Architecture Aldigest)
這個鬼城好「迪士尼」。 -
The Secrets of the World's Greatest Jailbreak Artist (GQ)
月黑高飛。 -
Joshua Wolf Shenk has resigned as editor of the Believer magazine (LA Times)
又一 Zoom 會議下的犧牲品。 -
Genetically modified mosquito larvae to be released in Florida Keys (The Guardian)
去吧,太監蚊兵團! -
A Grudge Match in Japan: One Corner, Two 7-Elevens (The New York Times)
光復 7 仔,命運自主。