強制外傭續約需打疫苗 菲律賓外長質疑涉歧視:「港府可做得更好」
洛欽在Twitter轉載菲律賓駐港總領事Raly Tejada 接受《南華早報》的訪問,Raly Tejada 在訪問中,促請港府不要強逼外傭注射疫苗,又指若要這樣做就應該一視同仁,規定所有由外地來港工作人士均須遵守同樣要求。
It is a good thing HK is vaccinating domestic workers but our consul is right. Though the effect is good and saving, still marking them out smacks of discrimination and if it is a special favor, it is unfair to other nationalities. HK can do better than that. https://t.co/suAxzwyiFh
— Teddy Locsin Jr. (@teddyboylocsin) May 2, 2021