新奇文共賞 (658)
The surprising reason behind Chinatown’s aesthetic (Vox)
有無人覺得廟街、西貢海傍個牌坊都極奇怪? -
The economics of movie product placements (The Hustle)
那一系列 7 套電影,撞爛了 1,500 部車? -
What we got wrong: the Guardian’s worst errors of judgment over 200 years (The Guardian)
Dry and iron your laundry hands-free and fast with Village Vanguard’s hot air bag clothes dryer (Sora News 24)
好啱懶人用! -
The ancient drink serving the world for 13,000 years (BBC)
啤酒有 13,000 年歷史。 -
There's a Weird Correlation Between Brain Size And Yawning, Study Reveals (Science Alert)
腦越大,打喊露時間越長。 -
Could humans have contaminated Mars with life? (BBC)
意外殖民? -
When Covid Hit, China Was Ready to Tell Its Version of the Story (The New York Times)
大外宣。 -
We Should All Be More Afraid of Driving (The Atlantic)