新奇文共賞 (659)

Trading up: one woman’s quest to swap a hairpin for a house (The Guardian)
純靠以物易物,很難實現這目標,但有了社交媒體關注,創造價值的機會大大提高。 -
The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)
長技術文,我亦不完全看得明,不過作者認爲,根據「奥卡姆剃刀」原則,病毒來自實驗室説法較爲可信。 -
Claiming the Summit Without Reaching the Top (The New York Times)
Female elephant seals hunt nonstop, sleeping just 1 hour a night (Science)
每天只睡一個小時的生物。 -
How the late night talk show set became an American icon (CNN)
美國深夜清談節目歷史相當悠久。 -
Bizarre Discovery Suggests Pink Drinks Make People Run Faster, But Why? (Science Alert)
粉紅色飲品竟然幫人跑快啲?! -
Another Brain-frying Optical Illusion: What Color Are These Spheres? (SYFY)
咩嘩?明明係三種不同顏色喎! -
A monstrous-looking fish normally found thousands of feet deep in the ocean washed up on a California beach (CNN)