新奇文共賞 (663)
Why the world’s most famous car race is in Monaco (Vox)
摩納哥賽車歷史舉世知名,主要與錢有關。 -
The Truth About “Girl Inches”: Why Women Overestimate Penis Size (InsideHook)
簡單點來說,就是喜歡你,甚麼都變長處。 -
25 Fun Facts About Iceland That Most People Go Their Whole Life Without Knowing (Bored Panda)
The CDC Is Warning People Not to Kiss or Snuggle Their Chickens (Mental Floss)
香港要找隻雞來攬都難。 -
The Economics of IKEA: Why Does Labor Lead to Love? (The Wall Street Journal)
宜家成功的秘密。 -
Subway Swabbers Find a Microbe Jungle and Thousands of New Species (The New York Times)
地鐵多菌,是常識吧。 -
I Started Juicing to Become a Pro Gamer. It Went Terribly Wrong. (Esquire)
為打機(和寫稿)食藥上癮。 -
The Hunks Are All Right (Slate)