編按:今日是六四屠城 32 周年,警方今年禁止支聯會的六四燭光集會,下午宣布引用《公安條例》封鎖維園足球場、草地。支聯會徐漢光、社民連黃浩銘晚上以個人身份在維園內以燭光悼念,並唱起民運歌曲,象徵悼念六四的燭光永存。支聯會副主席鄒幸彤本來計劃亦會參與悼念,但她今早被警方以涉宣傳或公布未經批准集結拘捕。悼念結束後三人發表聲明,表示站出來「希望以悼念的燭光,融化白色恐怖的堅冰」。全文轉載如下。

毋忘六四 敬悼英烈









—《解放日報》1941 年 10 月 28 日社論《民主運動的生力軍》

墨寫的謊言蓋不住血寫的事實。從延安時代到「一國兩制」,百年黨慶將至,中共是否真的「不忘初心」呢?面對如此暴政,我們命運相連 — 不論是「六四」死難者、天安門母親、獄中政治犯、流亡手足、國際支持者,所有這些國內外的抗爭者,都是我們爭取自由路上的同行者,決不可忘卻或拋棄。



Don’t Forget June 4th   In Awe We Mourn
The 32nd Anniversary in Remembrance of the June 4th Martyrs 

This is the first June 4th in the Post-Hong Kong National Security Law era, a time to try our courage in face of suppression.  We, the three of us, are insisting on mourning June 4th solemnly with the candlelight that symbolizes the unextinguished sparks for democracy, and we yearn for them to be our replies to the repression of those in power. 

In Hong Kong, political prosecutions have intensified since the enactment of the National Security Law.  In its name alone, over a hundred individuals have been arrested. Draconian laws and severe penalties are used to suppress protests.  Even peaceful demonstrations are to be given long-term imprisonment, not to mention those accused of riots and other serious crimes. There is no more freedom of assembly and procession.  With the epidemic, people can gather for concerts but not for mourning June 4th.  Censorship has permeated every aspect of our lives.  Teachers, journalists, social workers, medical staff, lawyers, film makers...have all suffered.  The white horror of the Ice Age makes people shudder.

All this seems familiar. During the 1989 pro-democracy movement, people across the country took to the streets in their pursuit of democracy and freedoms. But in return, they were cracked down in bloodshed.  The massacre brought the sense of terror to its climax, with mass raids and arrests occurring on daily basis thereafter.  Participants of the movement were detained, went in exile, executed, or simply evaporated.  Students were forced to suspend schooling as teachers were made to repent.  The media re-aligned with the authority soon after the short-lived freedom was over.  The massive rallies that once swept the country could no longer be seen.  The families of the June 4th victims have not been allowed to mourn at will, nor have they the right to speak the truth.

Hong Kong people have played a pivotal role in this recent history of preserving the truth.  The candlelight that has sparkled in the Victoria Park for over 30 years is our common bottom line not to be transgressed.  It stands for the largest public commemoration that take place within the reign of China.  The candles shimmered to tell people’s hearts and minds and they warm the survivors and actors struggling in the cold nights. The strive to keep alive the memories of the 1989 will trigger new rounds of struggles, and the spirit of the movements in 1989 will continue to inspire newcomers.

This is the best reference for us as we defy the suppression. The regime wants to teach us that resistance is futile.  But we will counter-educate them: killing could serve no purpose. The crimes that this regime has committed will be their haunting nightmares for a long time. The blood and tears of the victims and the decline of justice will nourish continuous resistance.

When the regime throws protesters into the prison in mass, we must tell those in power with the same determination and resilience: this is useless!  We will firmly remember the sufferings of our fellow companions, and in even stronger spirit, we will take on their unfinished mission in pursuit of justice and freedom.

As seen in the human rights situation in China, the totalitarian regime has no limit in its endeavours to curb freedoms.  Concession and compromise will only result in the red line further pushed on and history tampered.   Only when we hold our ground and are steadfast in our resistance that we can maintain our dignity.  We hereby would also like to remind ourselves how the Chinese Communist Party has abandoned its promise.  Flip open the Chinese Communist Party Newspaper of the Yan'an days some 70 years ago and therein we can see numerous stately pledges, including

“At present, the key to promote democratic politics is end the one-party rule of the country. The programme of the democratic league should also be heeded to. For if the issue cannot be resolved, state affairs will inevitably be controlled in the hands of one party.  It will be impossible for the talented and the wise to join in and the good suggestions to be implemented.  As a result, the so-called democracy, regardless of how one might want to play with it, could be nothing but an empty name.”

– Editorial of the Liberation Daily, The New Force of the Democratic Movement, 28 October 1941

Lies written in ink cannot conceal facts written in blood.  Coming through the era of Yan'an to that of the "One country Two Systems", and with the advent of centennial anniversary of its founding, does the Chinese Communist Party still bear in mind the mission and aspirations it began with?  In the face of the tyranny, we are bonded in our destiny and we – victims of June 4th, Tiananmen mothers, political dissidents still in detention, our folks in exile, the international supporters, as well as all the people who are struggling in and out of the country - will stay in each other’s company on the road to freedom without forgetting or abandoning anyone.

Today, we stand up and hope that the candlelight for mourning will thaw the cold ice of white terror.  Persevere, and freedom will bloom!

Chow Hang Tung
Tsui Hon Kwong
Raphael Wong Ho Ming