律師會內開明派支持的候選人羅彰南(Jonathan Ross)發表聲明,宣布基於個人及家人安全,退出律師會選舉、放棄爭取……

律師會內開明派支持的候選人羅彰南(Jonathan Ross)發表聲明,宣布基於個人及家人安全,退出律師會選舉、放棄爭取連任。據悉,有候選人疑似收到恐嚇訊息,並提及家人;法律界消息傳出,近期有人招攬調查員調查部分律師會的候選人。


他又呼籲,未投票的會員下周二傍晚6時15分到會展出席律師會員大會,在自由和開放的選舉中投給他們所選的候選人。律師會暫未回應,而同樣被親中報章追擊的另一名候選人馬秀雯(Selma Masood)則說尊重羅彰南決定,並促請會員親身到場投票。

Jonathan Ross。網上圖片









1. For my safety, and the safety of my family, I am announcing my intention to withdraw my name as a candidate for re-election to the Council of the Law Society of Hong Kong.

2. I urge all members of the Law Society who have not yet voted to attend the AGM at the Convention Centre beginning at 6:15pm on Tuesday and vote for the candidates of their choice in a free and open election.

3. My withdrawal is not related to certain allegations that have been publicized in the press concerning a five minute conversation I had in a public setting with a PRC Supreme Court judge.  During a lunch I mentioned to Judge Gao Xiaoli (高晓力) that a case in which my company was involved as plaintiff had waited over a year before coming to trial.  That was the end of the conversation and no details were given about the case.  It was totally appropriate.  Nevertheless, for unknown reasons, a complaint was filed with the Law Society in 2019.  It was thoroughly investigated by the Society and of course no impropriety was found.

4. Whoever wins the election, I am sure that the Society will continue working as the professional body it has always been.  I fail to understand the level of fear that our candidacies have engendered in certain quarters.

5. It is a shameful and sad day for Hong Kong that an election for Council of our honorable institution has sunk to this level.

6. Being on Council has meant a huge investment in time and effort to prepare for and attend so many meetings.  I look forward to an easier life in future.  We must thank all those on Council for the contributions they make. 

7. Enquiries from the media will be entertained after the results of the election are announced.
Jonathan Ross
August 21, 2021

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