1993年,蘇丹陷入大饑荒,荒蕪的土地上,「路有餓死骨」。南非攝影師Kevin Carter前往蘇丹南部一條叫Ayod的村莊拍攝,在前往補給中心的路上,他見到一位骨瘦如柴的小孩用雙手支撐着身體。



攝影師憑着這張照片贏得1994年的「普立茲獎」,不過他卻因各方批評而深深自責及內疚,而選擇自殺身亡,寫下“I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings & corpses & anger & pain.”,為相片增添另一重哀傷。若他有幸活到當下,今天(9月13日)恰好61歲。

South African photographer Kevin Carter flew to Sudan to photograph the racking famine in 1993; he came across an emaciated toddler who was going to a feeding center. As he took the picture, a vulture landed nearby and waiting for the "prey."  

Carter was told not to touch the victims because of disease, so instead of helping, he captured this stunning picture, which expressed the despair of the Great Famine in Sudan and raised worldwide attention. 

His image quickly became a case study in the debate over whether photographers should intervene, and he was criticized for not helping the subject. The truth is that he scared the vulture away and watched the child continued toward the center after he took the image.

Carter won a Pulitzer for his image in 1994, but he felt guilty and chose to end his life. If he is lucky enough to live to the present, he would be 61 years old today (September 13).
