新奇文共賞 (674)
Wherefore, qua, bonum: decrypting Indian legalese (Popula)
看似高深,其實狗屁不通的官樣文章。 -
Why a French culture war you've never heard of causes huge traffic problems (CNN)
如果我是法國人,會揀七月「放暑假」。 -
How a lizard’s venom inspired the promising weight loss drug Wegovy (Vox)
怕蜥蜴但又想減肥的人,點算? -
No, You Can’t Recycle a Bowling Ball (But People Sure Keep Trying) (Curbed)
We Got the Phone the FBI Secretly Sold to Criminals (Motherboard)
還是 FBI 故意流出? -
When to Take On Tasks That Are Outside of Your Job Description (Harvard Business Review)
不單只打工仔要知,老闆都要。 -
The lie of “expired” food and the disastrous truth of America’s food waste problem (Vox)
過期食物往往未有耐過期。 -
Singapore’s Last Traditional Coffee Roasters May Soon Disappear (Atlas Obscura)