新奇文共賞 (687)

Inside the Secretive, Semi-Illicit, High Stakes World of WhatsApp Mango Importing (Eater)
移民離港人士其中一樣會懷念的食物,應該是東南亞生果。 -
The Hidden Melodies of Subways Around the World (The New York Times)
比較世界各地的鐵路列車關門廣播,香港都有上榜。 -
She flew to Tonga for a weekend. 18 months later she's still stuck there (CNN)
旅行歸來要在酒店 21 天固然慘烈,被困小島一年半又如何?
Some Rare Diamonds Form Out of The Remains of Once-Living Creatures, New Study Finds (Science Alert)
大家關心價值多啲。 -
How a Salmonella outbreak ravaged a Michigan restaurant for 11 years (Live Science)
好彩這間餐廳最終關門大吉。 -
These wasp nests give off one of the most powerful green glows in the animal kingdom (Science)
光過螢火蟲! -
Portrait of a Professional Baby Maker (Neo Life)
專業代孕母。 -
‘Horrifying and amazing’: giant tortoise filmed attacking and eating baby bird (The Guardian)