新奇文共賞 (688)
A decade and a half of instability: The history of Google messaging apps (Ars Technica)
寫呢條 list 的人癲,但 Google 的通訊 app 歷史確實跨張。 -
Apple’s Double Agent (Vice)
兩面不是人又無錢收的雙重間諜。 -
I’ll Tell You the Secret of Cancer (The Atlantic)
The Doctor Who Performed Reverse Circumcisions to Help Jews Escape the Nazis (Mel Magazine)
有勇有謀! -
Why it’s so hard to make CGI skin look real (Vox)
動畫的進步都要靠學者研究。 -
Ultraviolet Light Increases Sexual Desire In Humans, Study Confirms (IFL Science)
曬太陽都會增強性慾。 -
Roger Federer’s Biggest Legacy? It Might Be His Billion-Dollar Brand. (The New York Times)
費達拿的財技可能更勝球技。 -
The man preserving endangered colours (BBC)
對天然染料的執著。 -
Graphics and satellite images show how the complex and dangerous evacuation from Kabul airport works (USA Today)