新奇文共賞 (689)
10,000 women die in car crashes each year because of bad design (Fast Company)
男女身體構造不同,但汽車安全設計只配合男性體格。 -
Elizabeth Holmes Promised Miracles By A Finger Prick. Her Fraud Trial Starts Tuesday (NPR)
轟動美國的最大醫療詐騙隔咁多年終於開審。(延伸閱讀:小肥波《【書評】十九歲少女的創業發達夢》) -
Divers Describe The Creepiest Things They've Found Underwater (IFL Science)
How much was son’s porn collection worth that parents destroyed? Judge decides value (Booth Michigan)
兒子好勝(性)父母倍感安慰。 -
Geronimo the alpaca is killed after four-year battle to save him fails (The Guardian)
自私與愛動物只在一線之間。 -
New Japanese business cards beat pandemic masking with beaming smiles (The Mainichi)
Cute! -
Taquile: Where manliness is based on knitting (BBC)
男耕女織不是必然。 -
J.F.K. and the Radcliffe Girl (Air Mail)
追星少女半世紀後的反省。 -
The Secret Lives of Mosquitoes, the World’s Most Hated Insects (Smithsonian)