新奇文共賞 (694)
One Of The World's Largest Marine Migrations Makes No Evolutionary Sense (IFL Science)
傳承了遠祖的行為,但在現代基本是九死一生。 -
The ‘Plagiarism Hunter’ Terrorizing the German-Speaking World (The New York Times)
踢爆抄襲專家,若在中國恐怕無運行。 -
Inside the Nation's Largest Guaranteed Income Experiment (Time)
Texas Lawyer Arrested For Dressing Up As Michael Myers On Beach (9 Gag)
這律師的笑話嚇親人。 -
Giant ice sheet towers over Scottish city like the Wall in 'Game of Thrones' in stunning video reconstruction (Live Science)
香港當年又是怎樣呢? -
A Kansas boy entered a unique insect at the state fair. It triggered a federal investigation. (The Washington Post)
又是另一個不小心的大發現。 -
How finger counting gives away your nationality (BBC)
我是用英式數手指法。 -
The Surprisingly Complicated History of the Frisbee (The Saturday Evening Post)
為何飛碟叫 "Frisbee" 。