新奇文共賞 (696)
Where Do Species Come From? (The New Yorker)
同理,有蛋定有雞先都要先定義甚麼是「雞」與「雞蛋」。 -
The edible insects coming to a supermarket near you (BBC)
只要不是要吃生勾勾,我接受到草蜢或其他昆蟲造的糖。 -
The Most Hated Brands in Every Country (Rave Reviews)
如果這個調查包含非商業品牌,我相信香港人最厭惡的不會是 Facebook 。 -
No More Apologies: Inside Facebook’s Push to Defend Its Image (The New York Times)
很多人不喜歡 Facebook ?推多些唱好 Facebook 的 post 就得了。
Boy Hospitalized After "Measuring" The Inside Of His Penis Using A USB Cable (IFL Science)
齋睇圖都覺得痛。 -
New Zealand police arrest pair trying to enter Auckland with ‘large amount’ of KFC (The Guardian)
封城底下走私 KFC 有利可圖。 -
File Not Find (The Verge)
認識另類數碼鴻溝。 -
Confessions of a Michelin Inspector (LuxEat)
唔係人人都可以做食神的。 -
The Most Hated Brands in Every Country (The New York Times)