利貞,不家食,吉,利涉大川。-- 為了擴大實証資訊的收集範圍、外出進行觀察銳利的偵測,常常專心工作到忘了回家吃飯,卻因為得到新的見識而歡喜不已,一心只想跨越知識的鴻溝,讓心智邁向更廣大、更充實的空間。

初九:有厲,利已。/ 變卦山風蠱 -- 激勵自己去探索收集更多實際驗証的資訊!因為,許多如夢似幻的瘋言妄語,只不過是為了特定利益所作的宣傳而已。如果可以親自接觸、詳細體驗,就不會受到一面之詞的矇蔽和既得利益的蠱惑。

九二:輿說輻。/ 變卦山火賁 -- 山裡炙熱的火焰可以焚化土壤成灰燼、熔化玉石為岩漿。輿道車軌可能在炎熱的日子裡受到陽光高溫烘烤而膨脹、扭曲、變形,於是和車輪的輪輻產生偏差,以致於造成行進車輛發生脫軌的意外。道理如果沒有考慮環境和氣候的變遷、沒有經過模擬實際狀況的檢測,就可能脫離現實、出現問題、不能長久保持觀念的正確。問題拖延不解決、誤差缺陷被掩飾,就可能造成實際運作時失敗的隱患。

九三:良馬逐,利艱貞?曰!閑輿衛,利有攸往。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 騎上配備精良的馬匹、攜帶製作精密的器材去追逐觀察的目標,這樣就有利於觀察那些很難偵測的事物嗎?唉!還不如放鬆自我銳氣過度的企圖心和防衛心,因地制宜、順應自然環境的變化來進行觀察吧!觀察與被觀察其實是一體兩面、兩相情願的事情啊!

六四:童牛之牿,元吉。/ 變卦火天大有 -- 童齡的小牛也會在畜牧場上精神充沛、充滿歡喜的哞叫奔跑追逐。採用範圍大、面積廣的自然生態園區來畜養土生土長的野生動物,模擬牠們原本生存的廣大空間,這樣纔能滿足牠們喜歡在大地上自在活動的天真習性。同時,還要兼顧「生物多樣性」(Biological Diversity) 的生態環境,讓這裡成為各種動物共存共生共享的野生動物園、一座大有來頭的野生動物大都會。

六五:豶豕之牙,吉。/ 變卦風天小畜 -- 野豬的斑紋和長牙可不是裝飾用的,是為了防禦或攻擊而演化出來的結果,這也顯示出牠們在原始的生存環境中經常要面對競逐和衝突,也會自然形成物以類聚的小規模群居現象,如同生風的水氣會在天空中聚集成雲朵。

上九:何天之衢,亨。/ 變卦地天泰 -- 採用荷葉花莖般聳立的支撐結構,以騰空高架而四通八達的天橋路網作為人員進入自然生態園區及野生動物保護區的通道,並且佈置好警報監視系統,這樣不但能安全順利、泰然自如的在其中觀察野生動植物的生態活動,也可以避免過度干擾自然生態環境。

"Do you remember the ninth qua - 小畜 had ever talked about a small oasis land?"

"Yes, I do,..... and I think this qua - 大畜 must be talking about the very great green land, because of it might be a big oasis land!......."

"It seemed like a natural park or wild zoo, which was sited out of the city border, just like the great area of national park had been zoned by the national government."

"You mean, the ancient people already had the concept to make the zoning of an ecological area on their land-use planning and tried to keep the biological diversity in those natural parks or wild zoos...... Why they wanted to preserve the natural land?....."

"Based on last qua, they might simply try to get more and more knowledge or natural laws in the natural land which was minimally bothered and invaded by humankind's subjective cultivation."

"That's the reason why there were some words in last yao described the area of those preserved lands were very large and constructed the netting pathways highly above the ground for observing and touring."

"From the significant image of this qua, do you feel it might be also a great green room? A giant indoor space? Or a big space station out of the Earth?......."

"100 above 111, mountain above the sky,....... a sky-dome? It could be a great dome space, even a virtual space......."

"A virtual space for raising the virtual animals and virtual plants? It's really suitable for saving a lot of space in the real world......"

"Yes! If those ancient ecologist only wanted to get knowledge from the nature, why didn't they construct a digital virtual space and input all the information and variable factors which they had already collected from the natural world, then simulated the natural world in their computer for calculating the possible change of the self-running ecological system?....... Just like some stimulative computer games......."

"It might be a truth, an ancient Hanese book 山海經 had been recorded a lot of strange animals collected from many mountains and oceans out of their country border, ancient Hanese journalists and writers might study the biology and ecology for a long time......They even searched Gods and Ghosts, immortal legends, the context of different cultures and all of the principles about medicine, science and technology. A great parts of those ancient scriptures are still safely stored under the grounds and mountains, even buried in the ancient emperors' great tombs."

"Let me tell you a joke: Why sometimes we like the great things? Because of the 'great' involves 'eat' and it's very big, if we are eager to get more knowledge, the great things might satisfy our hungry mind instantly."

"Oh Yes! Great mountain, great sky, the great ocean, great sea, ......."

"Great river, great fire, great fountain, great tree......"

"Great wind, great star, great sun and great moon......."

"Great plane and the great ship, great road and great train, great building...... and ...... great wall!...........Wait a moment!.................What is the great wall?......Why Great Wall?......"

I stopped the listing talk about the great things this moment, and tried to recall something from my memo about the history of the Great Wall which was built on a series of mountains near to northern China in the ancient time.

"What's wrong with the Great Wall?........"

"Do you remember I had ever talked about the Great Wall with you?....... And I had ever supposed it might be the ancient mass rapid traffic system across the grand land in ancient China, not just a wall....... Now I think about its another possibility........"

"I know what are you going to tell me!...... You must suspect that long-long wall might be a very ancient constructed border for defining the ecological park or natural wild zoo...... And those wild animals were giant like the dinosaurs, maybe that's the vestige of the first real Jurassic Park on the Earth!......"

"Why not! ...... Think about its amazing features: built on the ridges of the mountains, across very long distance, amazing height and width, very firm and strong enough to against powerful rushing....... If it's built for resisting the invading enemies of the other people from the other country, that's too wasting and over doing...... So, What's the most possibility that the Great Wall built to resist?......."

"Okey!...... Let me tell you a truth about the lost history, before a severe damage time of Ice Age, the Major Congress of Humankind International Preserving Organization made an awesome decision to try to preserve a very large green land for remaining those survival dinosaurs's lives lasting, they constructed the Original Great Wall very older than the Great Wall, that's why the amount of dinosaurs's skeletons found by those biological archeologists in Mainland China is the biggest numbers on the world."

"You mean, very long time ago, before homo sapiens appearing in the world, Mainland China was a great natural wild zoo of the dinosaurs?.......That might be the reason why there was a general cultural factor in ancient Hanese memories: The leaders of their society were always regarded as the raisers and trainers of the dragons, even were regarded as the later generations of the dragons which they called 'Long' in Hanese culture."

A Sculpture of '龍' (Dragon) in traditional Chinese temple.

"To the people in ancient Hanese, '龍' not only was the synthesized symbol of various animals, but also the fuzzy significance of sub-consciousness or under-consciousness, because of the dinosaurs' giant fossil bones were usually dig out from the deep ground by those ecological archeologists........"

"So, very ancient people lived in China might include a first working group to manage and handle a very large natural wild zoo of dinosaurs and the other ancient beasts, they were fenced by the Original Great Wall."

"Actually, I had ever heard there was a working group called '豢龍氏' which meant 'The society of skillfully raising the dragons' in ancient Hanese mystical legend story......"

"Some words in fifth yao seemed like describe they built systematical paths above the natural wild zoo, supported by pillars or columns standing tally like the giant lotus's leaves and stems, allowed workers and tourists to pass through the natural wild zoo safely, also prevented bothering wild animals's living activities and interfering the ecosphere in there."


"At last, they might find an obviously natural phenomenon in the jungle - the weak were always preyed by the strong, so-called '弱肉強食' in Hanese. That's why the next qua '頤' was going to talk something about offering shelter or eaves to raise and take care of the weak or adopting the homeless, waives and refugee."

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.