Native Dream 原住民之夢 / 2013.12.04
Before waking up from bed in the morning, I have a mysterious dream, I still remember the last part of this dream:
I stay at a small balcony connected with a wood house that I decorated a nude sculpture which I picked and stuck outside the wall.
In front of the balcony is a very large mountain slope-grass field, many people gather there, it seems like there is a celebration or festival activity.
When I smoke a cigarette and watch the scenery besides balcony, three young natives come into the house, two are tall guys taller than me, one is a girl shorter than me, they all wear native suite.
That girl stands behind me and smoke, too. Two guys go upstairs through the stair besides balcony. Then, that girl moves in front of me and talks with me in the native language that I can't understand. But I recognize a word sounded like 'nainswa' in her words and ask her if it is 內山? ……Because of I had ever known an old Taiwanese pop song "內山姑娘要出嫁" which was sung by a famous singer 葉啟田 originally.
Then those two tall young guys go downstairs and friendly talk with me in Taiwanese Mandarin. I tell them where I'm from, and suggest them to visit YangMing Mountain (陽明山) in Taipei someday.......
這個和台灣原住民文化有關的夢,同樣也是因爲夢境的劇情較複雜,所以我擔心遺忘了細節而採用 English 在睡醒後迅速地速記下來。
根據這個夢境的內容,使我聯想到塔山鄒族內山姑娘的神秘傳說,因為鄒族 [譯音 Tsuou、Tsou 或 Cou 等,日文早期寫爲「ツオオ」而發音似 Tsuoo,早期另有漢譯「曹族」的名稱,但本義也可能是類似 Taiwan 之 Tai- (自由) 的「自由族」之意] 早期主要居住在台灣中央山脈南部的阿里山 (Mountain Ali -- 昂山),和夢中山林原野的場景有點神似。
台灣中文漢字「塔山」在鄒語 (Tsuou 或 Tsou 或 Cou) 中稱爲 Hocobu (靈丘,即 Hocobu = 雨口口口B巫 = 雨口口口丨3巫 = 雨口口口一m巫 = 雨口口口一M巫 = 靈丘,其中 H 約略形聲台閩語「雨」的 hó 式發音之起音,「一M」的下上組合即約略描述漢字「丘」的甲骨文字體),似乎就是鄒族傳說故事中的那座高聳的岩石山。
Hocobu (靈丘) 其實有二座:大hocobu、小hocobu,鄒族傳說二座山都是他們的「祖靈」(祖先的靈魂) 的安息處,善者的靈魂在死後會前往「大hocobu」(大靈丘,即目前「阿里山」的最高峯,或稱「大塔山」),不善者的靈魂在死後則會前往「小hocobu」(小靈丘,或稱「小塔山」)。
【附圖:「塔山」在鄒語 (Tsuou 或 Tsou 或 Cou) 中稱爲 Hocobu (靈丘),似乎就是鄒族傳說故事中的那座高聳的岩石山。/ 圖片採編自網路】
有趣的是,參考 Wikipedia 的資料可知,鄒族也有一個關於人類起源的神話傳說:相傳上古時代,Hamo (神,但根據故事內容來看,可能比較類似「風神」或漢字「颱」的意境) 降臨至大地,Hamo 用力搖動楓樹,楓樹的葉子掉落後變成人類,成為鄒族 (Tsuou 或 Tsou 或 Cou,即「自由族」) 與 Maya (民族、民人族,意指當時居住在現今嘉義平原的原住民族) 的祖先。後來,Hamo 又搖動茄苳樹,樹葉 (或果實) 落地也變成人類,又成為漢族 (Hanese 或 Han) 的祖先。
那麼從這個傳說來看,搞不好「漢語」就是起源自「鄒語」(Tsuou 或 Tsou 或 Cou) 也說不定,這也是 Tsuou 或 Tsou 或 Cou 可能直接帶有漢語「自由」之語意的原因。