貞吉,觀頤,自求口實。-- 嘴巴張的再大、臉頰繃的再緊,一口氣能吃下多少東西呢?其實,不論在多大的範圍裡偵測出什麼結果,只不過是屬於某個範圍的觀察而已,就算對收集的資訊作出再仔細、再大量的琢磨、玩味和研究,也只能算是特定界限中的自圓其說和自我滿足罷了!面對變易無窮的大自然和灝瀚無垠的大宇宙,還是得修養身體、充實心靈、尊重生命啊!

初九:舍爾靈龜,觀我朵頤,凶。/ 變卦山地剝 -- 為什麼你們要捨棄那籠罩著星空靈光、建築在高山峻嶺之上、如龜殼般堅固的城池,卻來觀望窺探我們這個人口稀少、生計微薄、卻散發著花朵般純正清香的安養院和收容所呢?難道高山峻嶺出現了崩塌的危險徵兆?難道我們這一塊小地方擁有值得發掘的寶藏?該不會把我們這個小地方視爲你們掌中的玩具吧![P.S. 此處「爾」解為「你們」,是古字「尒」(意指「你」) 的複數。「朵頤」也可能和 English 的 toy 系出同源。]

六二:顛頤,拂經于丘頤,征凶。/ 變卦山澤損 -- 如同湖澤水潭因為山上土石的殞落而激起劇烈漣漪,安養院和收容所也會因為高貴的強者到來而顛動震顫,這情況繼續下去恐怕是有危險的。安養院和收容所違反常態的收容身份高貴的強者,不但對這一塊小地方的發展沒有益處,還可能受到莫大的損害與箝制。(P.S. 此處「丘」解為 chew、一小口或一小塊。)

六三:拂頤,貞凶。十年勿用,無攸利。/ 變卦山火賁 -- 安養院和收容所本來是弱者尋求庇護的地方,如今卻拂逆常態、違背原則的收容身份高貴的強者,經過偵測的結果是有凶險的。他們之所以加入此地,可能別有經過掩飾的特殊動機,這樣子下去,恐怕十年內都會不得安寧,也不能輕鬆自在的發展啊!

六四:顛頤,吉。虎視眈眈,其欲逐逐,無咎。/ 變卦火雷噬嗑 -- 安養院和收容所因為身份高貴的強者到來而顛動震顫,好像沾了喜氣似的熱鬧了一陣子,以為可以獲得許多贊助和支持。後來他們就逐漸顯露虎視眈眈的態勢、追逐內心暗藏的欲念,似乎想把這裡變成適合他們逞強支配的地方,這樣的情況有什麼好意外的呢?猛虎下山還是虎啊!

六五:拂經,居貞吉,不可涉大川。/ 變卦風雷益 -- 對於違反常態、拂逆於經綸常態的事情,似乎只能安靜等待偵測的結果,不可以大張旗鼓、過度干涉,免得引起更大的風波和危機,導致事態氾濫到不可收拾的地步、動搖了安養院和收容所立足於安寧清靜的根本宗旨。

上九:由頤,厲吉,利涉大川。/ 變卦地雷復 -- 追本溯源的說,安養院和收容所成立的由來是為了暫時養護和保育那些孤獨流浪的生命、衰弱疲倦的心靈、受傷生病的身軀,讓他們在此修身養性、止痛療傷,激勵他們再度建立互動連結的能力、超越身體的障礙、跨過心靈的鴻溝、邁向更新的境界、恢復健康的生命。

"Sometimes I feel confused about why God created the strong and also created the weak? Why the weak was always preyed by the strong in the jungle?...... If a society allowed the strong oppress the weak, was it a civilized society?....."

"From some biologists's observation, the ecosphere in the great nature seemed like having a food-chain, but no one could eat and swallow everything, just like no one could read and memorize all of the books in the world."

"But I feel the symbolized image of this qua '100001' seems like a widely opening big mouth was just carrying or biting a lot of things, and it not only needs upper teeth and lower teeth, but also relies on both sides of the cheeks's flexibility."

"It's not swallowing or biting, but keeping in the mouth, actually our mouths might keep a great lot of microbiota........... This old word pictogram tried to present the concept of adoption by the containing situation of a mouth."

"Yes! A hospice or refuge seemed like having the flexibility to offer many spaces, shelters or eaves to take care of those weak, sick, homeless, waives and refugee....... That's why this old Hanese word '頤' sounded like 'eaves', and had a meaning of 'raise'......"

"The extending eaves from the roof of the top part of a house can offer covering and protecting in rainy days, cold days or hot days, just like a big tree with many leaves. That's why this word 'eaves' was also a part of 'leaves'."

"But I feel it more like the original pictorial symbol about 'egg', a life's under covered situation before it was born out as a lively life, because the meaning of this pictogram word '頤' was consisted by 'containing' and 'head shape'."

"Yes! It can be sure that '頤' was regarded as a big space to offering the shelter for those abnormal factors and the weak or rarely existing living beings in the world."

"It must be an easy place, not the serious or nervous place......Everyone in there can feel easy and free, peaceful and safe, no more fear and hungry......"

"Actually, some birds can nest and stay under the eaves naturally, that's the place with ease to them...... Ease must be the true spirit of an eaves-place."

"But sometimes the eaves-place for taking care of the weak might be invaded by the faking stronger, just like the tender wolves get into the sheepfold and cause some problems later. This situation seemed like the awesome subject which was mentioned by the original author of I.E. Scripture in this qua......"


"Yes! Sometimes the place where gathered with the weak is also the stronger's best space to do whatever they want...... That's why the serious worry and warning were emphasized in this qua."

"During the 19th century, some parts of the Chinese land were settled by foreign colonists from some other stronger countries. Before Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's democratic revolution starting in early 20th century, those foreign troops even invaded Forbidden City and destroyed the Yuan Ming Garden in Beijing, and robbed many royal treasures which were collected in there."

"That's really an over doing violation, just like the weak structure supports the heavy roof or overweight, the building might crash at some time......"

"And that's why the next qua '大過' was going to talk about the overload. It seemed like a bubble contain too much gas...... If the structure of a container was very weak, how could it contain the mass content and powerful substance? "

"Sure! As the weak being always preyed by the strong, how can we raise a giant whale or shark in a small fish pond? ....... And how can we take care of a hungry wolf in a sheepfold? .......... It's ridiculous! Isn't it?..............."

I remembered most of the traditional Chinese public buildings or temples were always constructed the long extending eaves from their roofs, then I knew a part of the concept about such architectural style was based on the spirit of offering the space of freedom and protection with no oppression to the homeless living beings.

As a civilization beginning to take care of the weak by humanity and sympathy, that must be a more stable and welfare society.

【A long and extending eaves in traditional Chinese building / 圖片採自網路】

Eaves did not eat, but covered the birds' nests under the eaves. Crocodile widely opened its big mouth, but did not eat the birds which cleaned its sharp teeth........ Something looked very dangerous, but some kind of special relationship might be existing in there.

The eaves is not eat.

P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.