Proposal Type

Text proposal


"Creators Fund" is a budget from LikeCoin Ecosystem Pool. Liker Land team has been managing the fund in the past years, based on the principle of matching with the sum of Civic Liker's donation. The aim of the fund is rewarding creativity via LikeCoin button.

As stated in proposal #22. the Ecosystem Pool has now been transferred to the Community Pool in order to further decentralize the governance mechanism. The Creators Fund, which was a part of Ecosystem Pool, should also be governed in the same way.


I propose to further decentralize the management of Creators Fund, by endorsing a group of community members to be the "Creators Fund management committee" for 1 year, and apply for 2 million LIKE from the Community Pool as the first 6-month budget. Initial 7 committee members (Discord ID): edmondyu#9629, NoahLiu#9391, KenOokamiHoro#7356, Daisy#1990, leafwind#4213, anniezhang#0934, mashbean#5293. New committee member in the future, if any, must be endorsed my passing chain proposal.

Suggested duties of the committee include but not limited to:

  • Review the monthly budget regularly
  • Review the algorithm of fund distribution, outsource the implementation or execute by the committee itself
  • Manage the wallet of the fund

Expected Results

  • Decentralize the power from the founding team to a more decentralized committee
  • Increase the legitimacy of the fund management team by community endorsement