
 猶太裔哲學家斯賓諾莎(Baruch Spinoza)逝世至今已逾三百年。他少年時曾遭阿姆斯特丹的猶太教會下令驅逐(חרם, ḥērem),想不到餘波蔓延至今。上月尾,當地一名拉比就發信禁止一名以研究斯賓諾莎哲學見長的教授內進。

約翰霍普金斯大學教授梅蘭美德(Yitzhak Melamed)乃斯賓諾莎哲學的專家。早前,他曾向位於阿姆斯特丹的葡萄牙猶太會堂(Portugees-Israëlietische Synagoge)申請內進拍攝一部以斯賓諾莎為題的短片。十一月二十八日,拉比瑟法迪(Joseph Serfaty)發信回覆,聲明當地的猶太學校經已下令驅逐斯賓諾莎及其著作,生效至今,不能作廢。礙於梅蘭美德終其一生傾力研究斯賓諾莎及其著作,而他的拍攝申請亦冒犯了該猶太會堂的教義及傳統,故宣布梅蘭美德為不受歡迎的人(persona non grata):

The chachamim and parnassim of Kahal Kados Torah excommunicated Spinoza and his writings with the severest possible ban, a ban that remains in force and cannot be rescinded.
You have devoted your life to the study of Spinoza’s banned works and the development of his ideas.
Your request to visit our complex and create a film about this Epicouros in our Esnoga and Yeshiva (Ets Haïm) is incompatible with our centuries-old halachic, historic and ethical tradition and an unacceptable assault on our identity and heritage.
I therefore deny your request and declare you persona non grata in the Portuguese Synagogue complex.
