LikeCoin #28 议案投票分析
#28 议案进入投票阶段尾声,可能是本年度最后一次投票。
#28 在讨论什么?
你觉得我们需要从 community pool 里面拿出 4500USD(即 164,616 LIKE)请 Irtysh Digital 帮 likecoin 在 Twitter 上面搞宣传嘛?
- LikeCoin 目前的确非常需要搞宣传扩大市场;
- 值此 LikeCoin 搞空投之际(详情参考 #25),搞一轮 LikeCoin 宣传活动,无疑可以让空投得到更好的效果,即 #25 #28 相辅相成;
- 如果 3 个月后的市场推广效果不佳,未来可以讨论罢免 Irtysh Digital 或者要求更便宜的价格。
- 验证人“potato”缺乏市场推广相关知识、背景,不知道为期 3 个月花费 4500USD(即 164,616 LIKE)的收费是否合理,无从判断……
- 验证人“potato”不用 Twitter,不知道 Twitter 推广会取得何种效果……
- 如果 Twitter 宣传不能起到预期效果,#28 就是浪费钱;
- 不知道是谁找了 Irtysh Digital,也不知道 4500USD 宣传费是如何商定的;
- Irtysh Digital 认为目前 Likecoin 的潜在市场有三:A类 cosmos 生态系统、B类 Web3.0 和 C类 文字内容工作者。
如果是向C类推广,我认为搭建一个英文版 Matters 或者多语种友好的 Matters,新用户注册免费送 100 likecoin 会更有效(参考隔壁 potato media 是如何忽悠用户的);
如果是向A类B类推广,我认为空投最有效。在 #25 空投议案已通过当下,搞 #28 无非就是再多花 4500USD 叠加空投的推广效果。
结合以上多种思考后,我认为我应该就 #28 投赞同(YES)或者弃权(Abstain)。截至我决定投票时,距离 #28 投票截至还有大约 2 天时间。
投票率约 30%。虽然超过 99% 的投票支持 #28 通过,但是 #28 是自 #20 以来第一次有 Veto 投票。除了 2 人投 Veto,还有 3 人投 No,2 人投 Abstain。对比近期投票,#28 的民间支持率貌似不高,反对声音也是近期最高的议案。
基于以上原因,我决定给 #28 投弃权票(Abstain),原因如下:
- 作为一个仅有 0.07% 投票权排名倒数的验证人,投弃权票对 #28 的结果几乎毫无影响;
- 真的缺乏市场营销经验,有些细节无从判断;
- 如果只看表面任何议案都有益处,而坏处或者漏洞要仔细思考才能发现。我希望我投弃权票可以帮助选民提升意识,别一听说有空投发钱就激动跑去投 YES;
- 让目前 3 人 No,2 人 Veto,3 人 Abstain 的声音稍微大一点。
Voting period of #28 is approaching to the end, which is probably the last vote in the year of 2021.
What is #28 talking about?
Do you think that we need to take $4,500 ( 164,616 LIKE ) from the Community Pool to hire Irtysh Digital to execute a series of marketing campaigns on Twitter to promote LikeCoin from 20 November 2021 to 19 January 2022?
YES view:
- LikeCoin extremely do need some promotion to expand current market and enhance user recognition;
- As #25 has been passed recently and is about to launch very soon, running a round of promotion campaign at this time point could enhance the impaction of Likecoin Fairdrop;
- If this 3 month campaign could not reach a satisfying result, we could search a better partner to replace Irtysh Digital in the future or negotiate a better price with Irtysh Digital.
Abstain (or Neutral) view:
- The validator "potato" lacks background / knowledge of marketing, and has no idea whether the payment of $4,500 is a fair price for this job;
- The validator "potato" does not use Twitter, and has no idea to expect / predict a cryptocoin campaign on Twitter.
No view:
- if Twitter promotion could not reach a satisfying result, #28 is a waste of money;
- #28 does not mention who found Irtysh Digital, and how $4,500 was settled.
- Irtysh Digital believes that there are 3 potential LikeCoin markets: A-cosmos ecosystem; B-Web3.0; C-content creator.
If we target to C-content creator, I suppose that developing an English version Matters or multi-language friendly Matters, and give every new registration 100 LikeCoin as reward would be a more effective way (refer to how Potato Media is attracting new users...).
If we target to A-cosmos ecosystem or B-Web3.0, I suppose that airdrop is the best. As #25 has been passed, proposing #28 is just spend extra $4,500 to enhance the effect of #25.
After considering from different aspects as mentioned above, I suppose that I would probably vote YES or Abstain for #28.
By the time I made my decision and was about to vote, the voting rate of #28 was about 30%. Although more than 99% voted YES, #28 was the first proposal received Veto since #20. Besides 2 wallets voted Veto, there were 3 voted No, and 2 voted Abstain.
Compared with other proposals happened in December 2021, it seems that #28 is not very popular in delegators, and the disagree voice of #28 is also the highest among those recent proposals.
Based on the facts above, I decided to vote Abstain for #28. Here are my reasons:
- As a validator with merely 0.07% voting power, vote Abstain has 0 impaction on the result of #28. In my opinion, #28 would pass without doubt.
- Lacking marketing experience, and cannot analyze #28 from a more detailed level;
- Every proposal has a beneficial aspect, however, the negative side or loophole may not be so that obvious and could only turn out after taking some time to consider from different aspects. I hope that my Abstain vote could raise an awareness in normal delegators-DON'T GIVE YOUR YES SO EASILY!
- Raise the voice of the disagree group: 3 wallets NO, 2 wallets Veto, 3 wallets Abstain.