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警方拘捕六人,指他們涉嫌違反《刑事罪行條例》第9及10條串謀發布煽動刊物罪。六人包括三男三女,年齡介乎34歲至73歲,據了解,被捕包括5名前董事, 52歲鍾沛權,他同時是立場新聞前總編輯,還有63歲周達智,73歲吳靄儀、63歲方敏生、44歲何韻詩。34歲署理總編輯林紹桐亦都被捕。
立場新聞34歲署理總編輯林紹桐被捕。 據了解林紹桐即時辭任署理總編輯一職,林紹桐被帶返公司時,表示擔心立場的同事,並向大家說:「唔好勉強。」消息指警方在林紹桐家中檢走一本2019蘋果特刊及過期回鄉證。
同時拘捕六人,指他們涉嫌違反《刑事罪行條例》第9及10條串謀發布煽動刊物罪。六人包括三男三女,年齡介乎34歲至73歲,據了解,被捕包括5名前董事, 52歲鍾沛權,他同時是立場新聞前總編輯,還有63歲周達智,73歲吳靄儀、63歲方敏生、44歲何韻詩。34歲署理總編輯林紹桐亦都被捕。 據了解林紹桐即時辭任署理總編輯一職,林紹桐被帶返公司時,表示擔心立場的同事,並向大家說:「唔好勉強。」消息指警方在林紹桐家中檢走一本2019蘋果特刊及過期回鄉證。
Stand News 立場新聞
獨立媒體 inmediahk.net
【立場新聞6人被捕 包括前董事何韻詩】
(09:51更新) 據了解,林紹桐在被捕後已即時辭任《立場新聞》署任總編輯。
被捕的立場新聞成員和前成員包括前董事、歌手何韻詩,其助手對《獨媒》確認事件,她在住所被捕,被帶往西區警署。 其餘被捕人士包括前總編輯鍾沛權、前董事吳靄儀及現任署理總編輯林紹桐。
Now News - 新聞
警方國安處搜查《立場新聞》辦公室 獲授權檢取新聞材料
香港電台視像新聞 RTHK VNEWS
【國安處動員200人搜「立場新聞」辦公室 6人被捕】
搜立場新聞|陳朗昇遭警搜屋檢走存摺、記者證 擔心鍾沛權林紹桐
HOCC (何韻詩Facebook)
香港記者協會 Hong Kong Journalists Association
(Scroll down for English)
【Statement】HKJA expresses deep concern on the arrest of directors and senior staff of The Stand News
The national security police arrested at least six current or former directors and senior staff of The Stand News early this morning (Dec. 29) on suspicion of "conspiracy to distribute seditious publications" and are now searching the offices of Stand News. The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) is deeply concerned that the police have repeatedly arrested senior members of the media and searched the offices of news organizations containing large quantities of journalistic materials within a year. HKJA urges the government to protect press freedom in accordance with the Basic Law.
In addition, HKJA has learned that Ronson Chan Ron-sing, the deputy assignment editor of Stand News and the chairman of HKJA, was also taken away by the police this morning. We are investigating the incident and have no further comment at this time, but will announce any new information in due course.
Hong Kong Journalists Association
The Guardian
Hong Kong police arrest six people from independent outlet Stand News
Reports say editors, board members and a pop singer were held in early morning sweep as 200 officers raid news outlet’s office
Hundreds of Hong Kong national security police have raided the office of online pro-democracy media outlet Stand News and arrested six people, including senior staff, for “conspiracy to publish seditious publications”, in the latest crackdown on independent press in the territory.
Among those arrested were prominent Hong Kong activists including pop singer Denise Ho and barrister Margaret Ng, both of whom previously served on the Stand News board. The arrests happened early on Wednesday, police said, and searches of the journalists’ homes were carried out.
The raid further raises concerns about the freedom of speech and that of the media in the former British colony, which returned to Chinese rule in 1997 with the promise a wide range of individual rights would be protected.
Police said in a statement that the force was conducting a search with a warrant authorising it “to search and seize relevant journalistic materials”.
“Over 200 uniformed and plain clothes police officers have been deployed during the operation. The search operation is under way,” the statement said. Video from the scene showed police taking boxes away.
Sedition is not a crime under the sweeping national security law imposed by Beijing on the city in June 2020. But recent court judgments have freed authorities to use powers conferred by the new legislation to deploy previously sparsely used colonial era laws, including the Crime Ordinance which covers sedition.
Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
Over 200 Hong Kong national security police raid Stand News newsroom, 6 arrested inc. acting editor
Local media cited sources as saying deputy assignment editor Ronson Chan – who also chairs the Hong Kong Journalists Association – and former editor-in-chief Chung Pui-kuen were among those apprehended.
Over 200 national security police officers were deployed on Wednesday to raid the offices of non-profit online news outlet Stand News. Six current and former senior staff members were also arrested on suspicion of breaching the colonial-era Crimes Ordinance by conspiring to publish seditious publications. in full: https://bit.ly/3ewO7yh