新奇文共賞 (698)
How a team of musicologists and computer scientists completed Beethoven’s unfinished 10th Symphony (The Conversation)
懂音樂的朋友, 10 月 9 日可以聽聽人工智能貝多芬。 -
Does doing what you love for a living come with a price? (BBC)
Cold showers are said to be good for you – here’s what the evidence shows (The Conversation)
凍水涼可以舒緩抑鬱。 -
Chinese Man Died After Downing 1.5L Coke In 10 Minutes (9Gag)
學 C 朗只飲水吧! -
How much would your favourite classical composers have earned on Spotify? (Classic FM)
巴赫貝多芬會唔會賺得少過 Mirror ? -
In a Galaxy Far, Far Away, He Was Almost Anakin Skywalker (The New York Times)
感人。 -
‘We ought to try more’: how to pronounce footballers’ names (The Guardian)
唔係「費南迪斯」,而係「費蘭殊」。 -
Why Science Can't Settle Political Disputes (The MIT Press Reader)