People carry the body of a victim from a mosque following a bombing in Kunduz province, northern Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 8, 2021. A powerful explosion in a mosque frequented by a Muslim religious minority in northern Afghanistan on Friday has left several casualties, witnesses and the Taliban's spokesman said. (AP Photo/Abdullah Sahil)

阿富汗東北部一間什葉派清真寺,今日(8 日)中午發生自殺式炸彈襲擊,至少一百人死傷,暫未有組織承認責任。

綜合外電報導,事發在當地時間周五中午,什葉派穆斯林教徒正在清真寺內進行禮拜。當地警方表示,襲擊者可能是混雜在清真寺內的信徒中間,其後以炸彈襲擊,強調塔利班一定會保障什葉派兄弟的安全。塔利班首席發言人亦表示,塔利班特勤部隊(special force)已經抵達現場,正在調查事件。


People inspect the inside of a mosque following a bombing in Kunduz province northern Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 8, 2021. A powerful explosion in the mosque frequented by a Muslim religious minority in northern Afghanistan on Friday has left several casualties, witnesses and the Taliban's spokesman said. (AP Photo/Abdullah Sahil)

聯合國駐阿富汗代表團在 twitter 上表示,初步顯示,清真寺內的自殺式爆炸造成 100 多人死亡和受傷,表示深切關注。聯合國駐阿富汗代表團指,今次襲擊是本周第三宗同類事件,且顯然是針對一個宗教場所,形容暴力模式令人不安。

A man walks down blood-stained steps of a mosque following a bombing in Kunduz province, northern Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 8, 2021. A powerful explosion in a mosque frequented by a Muslim religious minority in northern Afghanistan on Friday has left several casualties, witnesses and the Taliban's spokesman said. (AP Photo/Abdullah Sahil)

暫未有組織承認發動是次襲擊,但外媒分析指,屬於遜尼派的伊斯蘭國組織的成員,過去多次襲擊阿富汗的什葉派。自塔利班奪權以來,阿富汗曾發生多次襲擊事件,包括 8 月份在喀布爾機場發生爆炸事件,該次襲擊造成數十名平民和 13 名美軍喪生,伊斯蘭國的一個附屬機構承認發動襲擊。

相關報道:APreuters/ 半島電視台