新奇文共賞 (700)
The Ship That Became a Bomb (The New Yorker)
電影《加勒比海盜》裏有鬼船,這艘載滿原油的巨型油輪,自幾年前也門内戰後,成爲談判籌碼,缺乏維修,周圍海面又有水雷,是計時炸彈兼環境及人道災難。 -
Fast fashion: The dumping ground for unwanted clothes (BBC)
Security: The Long History of the Lock and Key (Ancient Origins)
鎖與鎖匙歷史竟有 6,000 年。 -
Denmark Breathes New Life Into Junk Wind Turbine Blades. As Recycled Bike Shelters? (Interesting Engineering)
風力渦輪機退役後有其他用途! -
How Oreos, iPhone cases, and TikTok could help museums make millions (Fast Company)
香港賣艾未未產品得唔得? -
China’s noisy ‘dancing grannies’ silenced by device that disables speakers (The Guardian)
香港的公園還有大媽舞嗎? -
25 Food Myths Preventing You From Losing Weight (Eat this, not that!)
媽啊,我好亂呀。 -
2,700-year-old toilet found in Jerusalem was a rare luxury (AP)
老(屎)坑。 -
Who scams the scammers? Meet the scambaiters (The Guardian)