
Marina Abramovic和Ulay,相戀十二年,彼此以為是唯一,創作許多經典的藝術,曾有Nightsea Crossing之作,相坐對視。Marina相信,對面的那誰,必須是Ulay。


Later, it was around five in the morning, and I was lying on the bed next to them, wide awake, while they slept, exhausted. I just lay there as the slow luminosity of the new day crept in, and the roosters began to crow outside….And then I heard an old Thai woman in the kitchen, washing the dishes while preparing breakfast. I remember everything: the smell, the stillness, the two of them beside me in this bed….

1988年,此情不再,仍想完成計劃多年最後的作品:The Lovers: The Great Wall。走過長城,戈壁沙漠為火,黃河為水,男陽女陰的起點。兩人約定,走到中間相遇,曾想像即場結婚。



My heart was broken. But my tears weren’t just about the end of our relationship. We had accomplished a monumental work — separately. My own part in it felt epic, a long ordeal that was over at last.


2010年,Marina舉辦回顧展覽,上層重演。中層,她表演新作:The Artist Is Present。此作源自昔年Nightsea Crossing,如今她知道了對面的那誰,不一定是他,能夠是其他可能。


This was life. Could art, should art, be isolated from life? I began to feel more and more strongly that art must be life — it must belong to everybody. I felt, more powerfully than ever, that what I had created had a purpose.



1981 Nightsea Crossing
2020 The Artist Is Present


It was a shocking moment. Twelve years of my life ran through my mind in an instant. For me he was so much more than just another visitor. And so, just this once, I broke the rules. I put my hands on top of his hands, we looked into each other’s eyes, and before I knew what was happening, we were both in tears.




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