新奇文共賞 (705)
‘I was terrified’: the vet sterilizing Pablo Escobar’s cocaine hippos (The Guardian)
大毒梟的 4 隻河馬竟然可以造成南美生態危機。 -
1,000 Warhol artworks are on sale for just $250 each. But only one is real (CNN)
The Doctor Who Tied A Nurse To A Surgical Table, Fought Another Doctor, Then Won A Nobel Prize (IFL Science)
從來每一件發明都會來自個好癲的故事。 -
The Sniff Test (Science)
失蹤幾十年的屍體都聞到,咁神奇? -
See How the Dixie Fire Created Its Own Weather (The New York Times)
非常精彩的新聞圖像。 -
How you’ll know when Covid-19 has gone from “pandemic” to “endemic” (Vox)
何謂風土病?牽涉客觀標準和主觀判斷。 -
The Determined Math Tutor Teaching Calculus on Pornhub (Mel Magazine)
比在 Google 或 FB 賣廣告有效得多。