新奇文共賞 (707)
Why do so many believe in the paranormal? (BBC)
相信鬼神之說,其實由細學返來。 -
Missing hiker ignored calls from rescuers because it was an unknown number (CNN)
家中也有長輩就算同一號碼打好多次都唔會聽。 -
Have Sumatran fishing crews found the fabled Island of Gold? (The Guardian)
Une chorégraphie Originale par Sadeck Waff (Paris 2024)
方皓玟演唱會那個表演! -
Hot Streaks in Your Career Don’t Happen by Accident (The Atlantic)
秘訣:先多方嘗試,後專注。 -
Energy, and How to Get It (The New Yorker)
人人都間中覺得自己「低能」。 -
The Myth of Root Canals (The Atlantic)
我同意:真係唔係太唔舒服。 -
Big Teacher Is Watching: How AI Spyware Took Over Schools (Bloomberg)