新奇文共賞 (711)
Why movies tilt the camera like this (Vox)
簡單的把鏡頭擺斜,顯現特別效果,這種技巧來自表現主義藝術。 -
A Nike Executive Told of Once Killing a Man. Here’s What He Left Out. (The New York Times)
A Former Facebook VP Thinks Investing in Humans Is the Future of VC (Vice)
當創業投資變成投在人頭上。 -
David Graeber’s Possible Worlds The Dawn of Everything author left behind countless fans and a belief society could still change for the better. (New York)
奇人的一生。 -
Recycled Building Materials Construct a Multi-Purpose Zero Waste Center in Japan (This is Colossal)
窗口特多的回收中心。 -
Orangutan drawings change with season and mood (Science)