新奇文共賞 (714)
The world’s largest organism is slowly being eaten by deer (The Conversation)
世上最大的生命體竟然是這個樹林。 -
Zhang Gaoli: official accused by Peng Shuai remains out of public eye (The Guardian)
Australian Zoo Adopts a 'Megaspider' So Big Its Fangs Can Pierce Human Fingernails (Science Alert)
有危才有機。 -
What I learned eating at 8,000 Chinese restaurants (BBC)
用 20 年食近 8,000 間中菜館。 -
Your Fingerprint Can Be Hacked For $5. Here’s How. (Kraken)
原來咁容易複製! -
The New Luxury Vacation: Being Dumped in the Middle of Nowhere (The New Yorker)
玩到無嘢好玩,玩野外求生。 -
The end of “click to subscribe, call to cancel”? One of the news industry’s favorite retention tactics is illegal, FTC says (Nieman Lab)